CHUCK: 'Chuck vs. the Balcony' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CHUCK: ‘Chuck vs. the Balcony’

January 18, 2011 by  

“I happen to like two buck Chuck. Great bang for your buck.”

Unlike the fine bottle of red with a stable on the label and the stork on the cork, six weeks without a new episode of CHUCK isn’t something that gets better with time. In fact, it became increasingly more difficult to face a Monday without CHUCK as the weeks went on. To say I was thrilled to have Chuck, Sarah, Morgan and the rest of the Buy More gang back tonight is a bit of an understatement.  I’m glad that I stayed far away from spoilers because I didn’t realize that so much of tonight’s episode would center around the impending engagement of Sarah Walker and Chuck Bartowski. Bonus!

No doubt at all that Chuck “likes it,” but he just wasn’t able to “put a ring on it.”  You can’t really blame the guy though. He gave it his best. And it really wasn’t his fault. Between Casey’s bad timing, international terrorists, old wine, and Sarah being arrested for treason, Chuck was rock-blocked at every turn.

Talk about not being able to catch a break!  First Chuck’s DeLorean-esque proposal plans were outed by his bestie, then super spy Sarah and her major proposal issues made him scratch the multi-layered engagement event. Finally, when literally all the stars were aligned, and everyone (including Sarah) was hell-bent on setting up the perfect proposal, General Beckman decided to pull Sarah in and send her undercover as a double agent in Volkoff’s organization. I know, I know, perhaps the CHUCK writers should have stayed away from that television cliche.  I mean, seriously, how many times have other TV proposals been thwarted by espionage and SWAT teams? Geesh.

How can I be so lighthearted after such a heartbreaking episode?  Well, I trust that the folks in the CHUCK writers room know what they’re doing.  Yes, this is another set back for Chuck and Sarah, but look at the reason why they are going to be separated and you’ll see it’s all for love.  Sarah loves Chuck so much that she is willing to put her life on the line to save his mother.  When you think about it, a diamond just doesn’t quite cut it when we’re talking about that level of love and commitment.

So Sarah is going undercover and she’ll have to prove her loyalty to Volkoff and his fraternity of felons.  As for Mama Bartowski, I’m thinking it’s going to be hard for her to hide her true intentions with Sarah Walker watching her every move. Good.  I’m kind of over Mary’s wishy-washy ways. It is time for Sarah to expose her for whoever she really is.

Fantastic return of CHUCK. The wait was too long, but well worth it in the end. Great acting, distinct chemistry and the perfect combination of action, romance, comedy and Jeffster.  So glad we’ve got another new episode in just a week. That’s the way it should be.

A few more thoughts about tonight’s episode of CHUCK while I rewind my DVR and listen to Zac Levi’s faux British accent over and over again.

  • Perfect use of The Bearded One tonight.  Morgan felt every bit the super spy but he wasn’t weighed down by his ineptitude. He was the ultimate wing man to both Chuck and Sarah. For a spy, he really sucks at keeping a secret, but as a friend you can’t do much better.
  • Chuck has really raised the bar.  We’ve seen him fight off multiple bad guys at once, but doing so whilst holding a delicate glass of red wine and never spilling a drop? He’s deadly and sophisticated.
  • Wishing we saw more of Casey as Chuck’s personal man servant.  Just how rich does one need to get a man servant?  I’m not asking for me…a friend wants to know.
  • Casey certainly is more open to showing his sensitive side these days:  Helping with the proposal. Giving Chuck sage advice on choosing the right woman over the right moment.  I’d like to see more of this side of Casey. Perhaps in scenes with his daughter, Alex…  Remember her?  Where is she?  Are she and Morgan still dating? Inquiring minds want to know.
  • Only Lester can screw up a Canadian arranged marriage.  But let’s face it, the relationship would have never worked.  That girl just wasn’t good enough for a guy who sings Whitesnake covers while wearing boxers and leather pants. JEFFSTER! JEFFSTER! JEFFSTER!
  • GENERAL BECKMAN: Pierre Melville, a French radical turned terrorist, is also searching for the nanochip.
    CHUCK: One of Volkoff’s men?
    GENERAL BECKMAN: Not every criminal works for Alexei Volkoff, Chuck.

Here’s to hoping a marital miracle is on the horizon. (I mean a real horizon and not the hideous, budget-conscious green screens they use on CHUCK. Seriously, blech.)

It’s been so long since we’ve talked CHUCK. You’ll indulge me in chatting about tonight’s episode, won’t you.  Thoughts on the proposal gone wrong? What about Sarah going undercover to free Mary? Do you think Mary really wants to be rescued? Was I the only one jonesing for a glass of wine after this episode? Talk to me fellow CHUCK fans!

In case you missed it, check out GIVE ME MY REMOTE’s interview with CHUCK Executive Producer, Chris Fedak. He talked to us about Chuck and Sarah’s relationship, gave a bit of scoop concerning Baby Awesome, and shared his thoughts on whether a fifth season is possible for the little show that could.

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Filed under #1 featured, Chuck


11 Responses to “CHUCK: ‘Chuck vs. the Balcony’”

  1. meriel on January 18th, 2011 2:30 am

    did i miss something?? when did chuck get the intersect back???

  2. Haylee Fisher on January 18th, 2011 2:56 am

    @meriel – I kept thinking the same thing! But then I remembered the last scene in the episode before the break was Chuck saying “Guys, I know kung fu…again.” Maybe they should have done a “previously on Chuck” before the episode started and then we wouldn’t have all been confused.

    Dang that was a rock Chuck had for Sarah! And how Zac made me swoon! Great episode to come back from the break on!

  3. meriel on January 18th, 2011 4:42 am

    @haylee – i remember now! i watched that episode last week because my dv-r recorded it (for some reason it thought it was a new episode). and yes, that was a ROCK! being part of team bartowski is totally paying off!!! 😉

    zac can’t get any more adorable! i <3 him!!!

  4. Karen on January 18th, 2011 6:42 am

    This box isn’t big enough for me to gush over this episode 🙂

  5. Chuck Cuthbertson on January 18th, 2011 10:27 am

    Awesome episode. I was totally blown away by the end. I didn’t see that coming at all. Fantastic.

    Maybe I’m the only one, but I don’t pay any attention to the background/green screen. If having a cheesy background keeps the show in business, I’m all for it. And, I’d much rather have a horrible green screen than have to omit Jeffster/Buy Morons or Elly and Awesome. /rant


  6. Meg on January 18th, 2011 11:59 am

    The green screen was SO ANNOYING. I mean, I knew it HAD to look fake because of their small budget, but it still bugged me a little.

    But besides that, FANTASTIC episode. I sort of knew they wouldn’t be able to actually let it happen before the 13th episode, but it was fun (though still somewhat painful) to watch the proposals being thwarted again and again.

    Anyway, SO excited for next week!

  7. Bethany on January 18th, 2011 3:18 pm

    This episode…

    I should’ve known it would’ve ended the way it did. My heart was inflated with jiy and happiness until… Yes… I am at a loss for words.

    I can’t wait to see how this storyline plays out. Bring us some clarity, Walker! Then get your butt back her and let things finally work out for the world’s most perfect couple.

  8. Dennis on January 18th, 2011 11:49 pm

    The “stable on the label and a stork on the cork” line is a reference to some movie. It’s not those words but the rhythm and the speed of delivery. I think I can see Gene Wilder saying it. Anyhow, it’s driving me crazy. Does anyone know the reference?

  9. Eric Christensen on January 19th, 2011 4:03 pm

    The “stable on the label and a stork on the cork” line is a Nod to Danny Kaye’s Court Jester- “A peppery pino with a stable on the label and a stork on the cork.”

  10. UniGarden on January 20th, 2011 7:48 am

    loved casey showing a soft spot: “forget about the balcony, all you need is the girl” awwww :o)

  11. Tennisdude on January 23rd, 2011 6:27 am

    Again a very disappointing episode. If Volkoff actually believes Sarah is a double agent, he’s the dumbest villain in the history of this show. This whole arc is dumb beyond belief. Mary DID abandon her family and Sarah’s brilliant plan is to put herself in harms way too. So now Chuck can lose both his mother AND his fiancee. Chuck’s been emasculated. Sarah is the hero and he is the damsel in distress.