GREY’S ANATOMY Recap: 'Golden Hour' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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GREY’S ANATOMY Recap: ‘Golden Hour’

February 18, 2011 by  

Welcome to GREY’S ANATOMY, the “24” edition! This week’s episode happens in real time to illustrate how an hour can mean life or death for some patients.

But for me, the most remarkable thing about the hour is that it’s the first one in…I’m gonna go with forever… that centers on Meredith. Missed you, Mer! I was beginning to wonder if the “Grey” in the title of the show actually refers to Lexie. (Sidenote: What happens if Ellen Pompeo leaves the show? Does Lexie get to do the voiceovers? Or maybe Ellis could do them beyond-the-grave style a la DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES…)

Anyway, Meredith is in charge of the ER and she’s got her hands full. Between a kid with a broken leg and impatient parents, a guy with minor but mysterious chest pains, a dude with a migraine, and a drunk idiot with a knife in his head, she’s running all over the place. As if that wasn’t enough, Chief Webber’s wife shows up (hi, Adele!) with an injured wrist. Several of these patients have one thing in common: they all seem to be suffering from minor afflictions, but in reality, their conditions are critical. Migraine guy is actually having a stroke. Chest pains guy has a torn aorta – an extremely difficult fix. As for Adele, Meredith notices that she seems easily confused and forgetful. Meredith mentions her concerns to the Chief but he’s in complete denial about it and tells Meredith that working on the Alzheimer’s study is causing her to see symptoms where there are none.

The final run-down: stroke guy lives, aorta guy dies, broken-leg kid finally gets an OR, drunk guy lucks out with no significant damage, and Adele is sent home with a bandaged wrist and potentially serious mental issues. And somewhere in the middle of all this, Derek gives Meredith a hormone shot for her fertility treatment. Oh yeah, and Cristina tells Meredith that Callie has asked her to be her baby’s Godmother. Why? Beats me. I love Cristina, but if I were having a kid, she wouldn’t be at the top of my Godmommy list. Or on the list at all. I mean, it’s Cristina – she’d probably rather chew off her own fingers than take care of a child. But apparently she’s actually considering it, which Meredith doesn’t like because she feels like that means that Cristina thinks Meredith will never have kids. That’s not the case and they both know it, but Cristina is Meredith’s dark and twisty soulmate, so she decides to turn down Callie’s request.

In other news, Teddy has a date. It’s not with Henry, so I’m against it. Things get a little awkward when Henry and the date run into each other and Henry ends up keeping the guy company while Teddy gets held up with doctor stuff. Henry then pulls Teddy aside and tells her that the dude is alright, but “As your husband, I think we can do better.” Come on, Teddy, you know you want to ditch Mr. Just Okay and hang out with Henry! Cute, CUTE Henry who is so sweet and loveable! Did I mention cute??? Why are you walking away with the other guy?! Fine, whatever, you know you’ll end up with Henry eventually. I can wait.

Other than that, let’s see… Bailey has sex in the on-call room. Alex takes care of the broken-leg kid even though it’s his day off and he’s missing a basketball game, causing Lucy to once again watch him admiringly. Alex gives his tickets to Jackson, who asks Lexie to be his date. Awww…maybe… I don’t know, I’m not sure about these two yet.

And that wraps things up for this week! It’s the latest in a series of fairly uneventful episodes, and I’m itching for something meatier. Here’s hoping next week brings us a rollercoaster of dramatic events…and maybe Mark or Jackson in a shirtless scene, ‘cause that’s always fine by me.

Your turn! What do you think is wrong with Adele? How long before Teddy can’t resist Henry’s charm? Hit up the comments section below!

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