HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Lands Chi McBride and Michael Trucco - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Lands Chi McBride and Michael Trucco

March 24, 2011 by  

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER has landed a couple familiar faces to appear in the final episodes of the season.

Team GMMR was on the HIMYM set today and we learned that FAIRLY LEGAL star Michael Trucco will guest star in April as Robin’s long-standing crush. Trucco’s character is nameless as of now, but Robin first encountered him years ago when she was in a relationship. Despite Trucco’s role on FAIRLY LEGAL, the potential is there for his storyline to continue into next season.

Also, HUMAN TARGET star Chi McBride will join the series as Rod in HIMYM’s sixth season finale. While a HUMAN TARGET spokesperson confirmed that no decision has been made about that show’s fate, HIMYM is hoping McBride can pop up occasionally next season.

So what does McBride’s Rod do? We caught up with HIMYM star Josh Radnor and he teased Rod’s relationship to Ted…


Are you excited about McBride and Trucco coming to HIMYM?

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4 Responses to “HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Lands Chi McBride and Michael Trucco”

  1. Canakatydid on March 24th, 2011 8:43 pm

    I am very excited by this news! Two great actors on an already great show! 🙂

  2. Stephi on March 25th, 2011 9:37 am

    Dear GMMR,

    You make me happy by providing this news. Thanks for being AWESOME. I have a feeling that these episodes will be legen…wait for it…DARY!

  3. Julie on March 29th, 2011 10:15 pm

    First of all, I feel like an idiot. My pronunciation-challenged self always said Chi McBride’s name like Chee (as in cheese). It’s nice to know the correction pronunciation.

    That being said, I’m excited for his appearance on HIMYM! For a second, I can pretend that Pushing Daisies is still on the air.

  4. Julie on March 29th, 2011 10:15 pm

    *correct pronunciation. Apparently, I’m also spelling-challenged.