AMERICAN IDOL Highlights: Casey Abrams Sings 'Your Song' and Hayley Reinhart Takes On 'Benny and the Jets' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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AMERICAN IDOL Highlights: Casey Abrams Sings ‘Your Song’ and Hayley Reinhart Takes On ‘Benny and the Jets’

March 30, 2011 by  

Hey, hey AMERICAN IDOL fans!

Last week we heard the Top 11 sing some Motown, and I don’t know about you, but in my opinion, it’s best to let Stevie sing Stevie.

So I was a little bit hesitant when I heard that this week’s IDOL theme would be “Elton John.” I think each of the IDOL contestants have a niche, and honestly, I’m not sure that any of them really NEED to try new styles in order to be successful. Scotty will sing country and make a lot of money. Pia will sing ballads and sell records. Etc, etc…

What do you think? Does an AMERICAN IDOL winner need to prove that he or she can sing different styles? Or is that not necessary?

I suppose you’re not here to philosophize AI, so instead, let’s get to talking about some of the singing, and of course, we want to know what you think. Was Casey worth the save? Are the girls as strong as the guys?

Though he doesn’t have the best stage presence (in my opinion, that honor goes to Paul McDonald), I still think Casey Abrams is the best singer in the competition. His voice is unique, but not in an obnoxious way. He’s not always smooth, and I think his reaction to being saved indicates he has more to learn about how to handle fame, but for the most part, I think he’s really solid. Here’s his take on Elton John classic, “Your Song”:

[youtube] [/youtube]

As for the girls in the top 11, I waver from week to week on who I like best. If I had to choose a winner based on this week’s performance only, I gotta say I’d go with Hayley singing “Benny and the Jets.” She really DID take the judges’ critiques to heart, and this week, she sang with enthusiasm, she looked great up on the stage, and she hit all the right notes and didn’t try for the wrong ones. Here’s another listen!

[youtube] [/youtube]

Enough from me. What was your favorite performance of the night? With the judges’ save out of the picture, each contestant really had to bring it. Who topped your list? Who motivated you enough to dial in and vote? And who do you think will be singing a farewell on Thursday’s elimination?

Let’s discuss!


2 Responses to “AMERICAN IDOL Highlights: Casey Abrams Sings ‘Your Song’ and Hayley Reinhart Takes On ‘Benny and the Jets’”

  1. Renee Fisher on March 30th, 2011 11:02 pm

    I loved the simplicity of Casey’s song – just him and the piano. He was my favorite tonight. I re-watched Hayley’s performance because I didn’t love her performance and thought I had missed something (since everyone seemed to love it). I still didn’t like it very much. I think Casey has one of the very best voices this year and I’m glad they used the save on him.

  2. Amy on March 31st, 2011 12:34 am

    Hayley was fantastic! I have loved her voice for weeks. She can do so many different things with it. Never bored listening to her. Casey redeemed himself very well. Loved his song. Was pleased with Lauren, too.