Wednesday's SNAP JUDGMENT - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 28, 2025


April 6, 2011 by  

Here at Give Me My Remote, we like to try new things out. So this week we’re debuting our brand new daily feature SNAP JUDGMENT!

What is SNAP JUDGMENT, you ask?

Every day we’ll pick our favorite promotional picture from that night’s new television episodes and we’ll showcase it here. Then you guys can speculate what goes down in the scene/what you’d like to see happen/caption the pic however you want in the comments section.

So which show made our Wednesday edition of SNAP JUDGMENT?


And really, when you see the picture we chose from tonight’s brand new episode, “Ben and Vivian,” you’ll understand why we were powerless to resist showcasing it.

Check it out…

Have a thought about what’s going down? A far-out theory? Perhaps a snarky quip? Leave it in the comments below and make sure to check back tomorrow to see what Thursday show will be featured!

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Filed under #1 featured, Snap Judgment


4 Responses to “Wednesday’s SNAP JUDGMENT”

  1. Jim Halterman on April 6th, 2011 11:54 am

    “You have more hair then I do. Therefore, you must die!”

  2. Danielle on April 6th, 2011 12:15 pm

    I know that’s the Sunshine Center mascot, but I really look at this picture and assume a Plushie convention is going on at the arena. And maybe one got too frisky with Alice, so Alonzo has to take him out…

  3. littlem on April 6th, 2011 2:52 pm

    I came up with a few things while looking at the picture. Nothing good, but I’m gonna write them down and post this quickly, so I won’t back down. I wanted to write something funny, but… didn’t.

    Alonzo, to Mascot:
    1. “Stop, or I’ll shoot you with a cupids arrow.”
    2. “You messed with the alphabet! You are responsible for that message on the billboard. It was supposed to say ABC Renew “Mr. Sunshine”, not AC/DC “Big Gun”. Why did you do that? Turn around slowly, and I’ll show you (my) a big gun. And after that you’re going to go and convince the studio exec’s to renew the show. I’ll expect a progress raport on my desk by tomorrow noon, because we’re holding a press conference, and sharing the good news then.”
    3. “You know, I used to be in the NBA. That stands for “No Blaster guns Allowed”, but I’m not any more. It’s time to make up for the lost time.”
    4. “If you do not want me to mark that pretty fur of yours with red paint, then turn around slowly, and surrender, because my team wins (this paintball war).”

    What could be taking place:
    a) someone has stolen the mascot’s costume, and Alonzo is being the hero, and going after the thief.
    b) the Sunshine Center employees have been split in two teams, and they are having a paintball battle/war, and Alonzo and the Mascot are the last two still in the game. Only the mascot seems to have lost his blaster gun, so it looks like mr. perfect is the winner, but… is he?

    PS. I have no idea what’s this scene about, honestly, and I don’t run away from spoilers. But I’m glad that there are suprises waiting tonight. And I really hope that there will be a second season, because the show is really good. I mean Matthew Perry, and Allison Janney, and all the (new faces for me) other actors… they make this sunny comedy enjoyable.

  4. G on April 6th, 2011 9:30 pm

    “Danny, we have a situation. There’s a lion in the Montecito… No, it’s not a real lion… I think it’s Crystal Cohen.”