CHUCK's Yvonne Strahovski Talks about Her CollegeHumor Pop Star Parody - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CHUCK’s Yvonne Strahovski Talks about Her CollegeHumor Pop Star Parody

April 13, 2011 by  

CHUCK star Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah) had her video parodying today’s pop music go viral earlier this week, and when Give Me My Remote caught up with her today on the set of CHUCK’s season finale, she was still clearly tickled about the experience.

“CollegeHumor came to me and said, ‘We want to do something with you’ and I said okay,” Strahovski told a group of reporters. “They suggested a pop song, and I said, ‘Okay, well, why don’t we do [Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Ke$ha]?’ I really wanted to do those three people. And then they wrote the thing and we went back and forth. I read the song and I realized it would be funny to do the Bieber thing at the end. I said let’s put Bieber in it, and they came up with the ending thing. And then on the day [of the shoot], they had the sets ready and I choreographed it on the spot, pretty much. I had watched the [music] videos a lot, so I knew the moves. I love goofing around.”

Strahovski’s dance moves and Bieber inclusion wasn’t her only input in the video. She admitted it was her idea for them to have her character vomit — which was apparently made out of Campbell’s Chunky Chicken soup — and that the Lady Gaga-esque glasses were actually her own pair.

As for what surprised her about the shoot? One of the costumes topped the list.

“I was surprised at how the cupcakes held up,” Strahovski admitted. “One of them does droop a little more than the other, but they managed to stay on.”

Did you miss the CollegeHumor video the first time around? Check it out below!

Completely hilarious, right?

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Filed under #1 featured, Chuck


3 Responses to “CHUCK’s Yvonne Strahovski Talks about Her CollegeHumor Pop Star Parody”

  1. Hill on April 13th, 2011 8:01 pm

    Wow! She’s a genius! Didn’t know she was involved in it so much and mostly her ideas! And here I thought she couldn’t be more awesome! 😀

  2. Marianne on April 13th, 2011 8:37 pm

    3 details in this article underscore just how awesome, hilarious, and incredibly cool Yvonne is: it was her idea for the vomit, she choreographed the moves, and she wore her own kick ass shades in the video.

  3. Shley on April 14th, 2011 2:26 am

    And yet another reason why I love Sarah Walker… erm, I mean… Yvonne Strahovski! Yay, Chuck! <3 This video is hysterical!