April 18, 2011 by Sarah Luoma
Can you believe we’re in the final stretch of Smallville, with only 4 episodes to go after tonight? Hard to believe, but before we watch Clark fully embrace his superhero self, and fly off into the sky as Superman, show runners gave us a great ep as he battles himself -Clark Luthor, and his father in the alternate world. Sadly it will most likely be the last time we watch as John Schneider plays the role of Clark’s (usually) loving, but stern father Jonathan Kent before the show ends its ten year run.
This time around though, Jonathan has lost it all and was living in a world without Martha, the deed to the once cozy farm, and Clark, who isn’t his son in the alternate universe but someone who is hated. As villain of the week, Clark Luthor takes over from the beginning of the episode after appearing in Smallville with the help of the mirror box that sends the real Clark back to his world. Luckily Lois and Tess pick up on this switch and get to work trying to help the real Superman come back home.
Tom Welling did one heck of a job pulling off the dual identities of his long time character. Changing facial expressions in a flash from kind to evil, Welling lead the whole episode flipping back in forth from his Luthor self, as he played cat and mouse with Tess, trying to romantically connect with his sister (gross right?!), to his heroic self as he attempts to save his disgruntled and angry father in the alternate world.
And while he’s stuck in this horrible reality, Emile and Lois attempt to fix the shattered mirror box that Clark Luthor had tried to destroy for good as a way out of own universe where kryptonite is carried around to ward him off. Meanwhile Tess tries to keep her evil sibling Clark at bay, who is willing to make a life for her as long as she plays along.
Ultimately the best of the episode came when Clark was held up in the farm with Jonathan and reminiscences about their life together. Showing him where Grandpa’s shot gun was and dishing his own advice, and famous quotes back to him, Clark helps bring his angry dad back around and talks him into going after the love of his life Martha. I also loved the strong connection and blind trust the short haired Lois gives to Clark after she figures out who he really is in the alternate universe at Olly’s funeral.
By the show’s end Clark is brought back to Smallville after the mirror box is repaired and just in time to save Tess from Clark Luthor who has her by the neck and is dangling her out the window. Watching evil Clark fight with the real Clark was also a major highlight of the hour. Brining him back to the fortress of solitude, the real Clark dishes his words wisdom about not letting the Luthor name define who he is.
At the close we see the real Clark back and wearing Jonathan’s jacket while he and Lois discuss selling the farm, their recent wedding gift from Martha. What a sad ending! I didn’t think the farm would go. But in order to move closer to his destiny it looks like show runners have decided to move the soon to be married couple into an apartment so that Clark can be the hero he is meant to be.
Alright Smallville fans, ring in on what you thought about this latest episode! What did you think of Clark Luthor vs. Superman? Will you be tuning into the series finale? Until next week when we see Booster Gold make his debut!
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Filed under Smallville
I just hope when lois gets superpowers she kicks tess’s ass and then kicks clark ass for kissing all the girls on the show and i hope she finds some red k and finds some men of her own and starts a kissing spree of her own pay back for clark.