THE VOICE: Why You Should Tune In Tonight, Plus a Preview of the Series Premiere - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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THE VOICE: Why You Should Tune In Tonight, Plus a Preview of the Series Premiere

April 26, 2011 by  

NBC is premiering their new singing competition series tonight at 9 PM — and no, it’s not an AMERICAN IDOL clone.

First of all, there are no terrible auditions like the ones AI used to play up in the early weeks. On THE VOICE, we go straight to the best of the best as the singers perform “blind” for the coaches — who cannot see them, only hear — in the hopes of landing one of the eight spots each pro has for their team. Despite the talent, not everyone will make it through, and there is at least one contestant whom the judges immediately regret not picking after being able to see who was singing.

There are some incredibly talented hopefuls whom the viewers will be introduced to in the series premiere — and, of course, there are a few who might make you go “WTF?” (Note to all future reality contestants: crying because you’re too pretty probably won’t make you all that appealing to the audience.)

As for the celebrity coaches, Christina Aguilera, Blake Shelton, Cee Lo Green and Maroon 5’s Adam Levine immediately get into mix of things as they compete against each other to try and convince contestants they should join their team. They appear to be genuinely enthusiastic about the musicians they want to work with, and unlike many other reality shows, the coaches will be shaping how the contestants develop throughout the run of the series. These guys already want to win.

There seems to be bromance brewing between the male coaches, while Aguilera and Levine are channeling AMERICAN IDOL’s Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul with their bickering. Right now, the producers have Green seated between them, so it will be interesting to see if they switch the seating order around later in the season to either play up that dynamic or try and minimize it.

Intrigued? Check out the first 12 minutes of the series premiere, which includes an awesome performance by Levine, Aguilera, Green and Shelton…

Planning on watching THE VOICE live? Make sure to check-in with Get Glue for stickers!

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Filed under #1 featured, The Voice


One Response to “THE VOICE: Why You Should Tune In Tonight, Plus a Preview of the Series Premiere”

  1. sheila nakooka on April 27th, 2011 12:52 am

    the voice is better than american idol ,i love it ,all 4 judges,xoxoxooxmahalo