Who Went Home on THE VOICE? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Who Went Home on THE VOICE?

June 15, 2011 by  

We’re going into the semi-finals of THE VOICE, which means the elimations are done a bit differently than they have been in the past. Of the quarter-finalists for each team, the contestant with the most votes automatically moves on to the next round. Then, the coach gets to pick one of their three remaining contestants to continue on with them, leaving the remaining two singers out of the competition.

So which members of Team Blake and Team Christina are moving on? Keep reading to find out…

Team Blake:
America’s save: Dia Frampton
Blake’s pick: Xenia
Eliminated contestants: Jared Blake, Patrick Thomas

Team Christina:
America’s save: Beverly McClellan
Christina’s pick: Frenchie Davis
Eliminated contestants: Raquel Castro, Lily Elise

What do you think? Are you surprised Blake saved Xenia?

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Filed under #1 featured, The Voice, TV News


2 Responses to “Who Went Home on THE VOICE?”

  1. Hannah on June 15th, 2011 10:00 am

    I love Mr. Blake Shelton but I think he saved the wrong person. Patrick would have gone FAR in country music. I can only hope that SOMEONE over in country music believes the same and gives him a label.

  2. alli on June 15th, 2011 10:58 am

    A little surprised…yeah. She’s got a unique voice, but out of all the contestants she seems less like an actual performer. She has major nerves and shyness she needs to overcome to really make her performances better.