THE VOICE: Javier Colon and Adam Levine Talk About Team Adam's Win - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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THE VOICE: Javier Colon and Adam Levine Talk About Team Adam’s Win

June 30, 2011 by  

Back in the series premiere of THE VOICE, Adam Levine was so impressed with Javier Colon’s blind audition of “Time After Time” that he told Colon, “I want to win this s***…so I really, really need you to pick me [to be your coach].”

Sure enough, when the finale results were revealed Wednesday night, Colon was crowned the champion of THE VOICE’s first season.

Give Me My Remote caught up with Colon and Levine after their win, so take a look at the videos below to find out what Levine told Colon right after the results were announced, Colon’s thoughts on winning it all, singing with Stevie Nicks and more…



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Filed under #1 featured, The Voice


2 Responses to “THE VOICE: Javier Colon and Adam Levine Talk About Team Adam’s Win”

  1. Ray on June 30th, 2011 3:04 pm

    Great videos! Javier showed more personality on your 6 minute interview than he did on the entire 3-month run of the show. He did a wonderful job in the duet with Stevie Nicks and it was nice to see how much he appreciated that opportunity.

    Oh, and Adam is HOT.

  2. ToastwithJAM on June 30th, 2011 4:35 pm

    I really rooted for Javier to win, although I honestly thought that Beverly did the best job in the final competition round. I don’t see what everyone else sees in Dia (I liked the two guys on Blakes team better than the two girls) and her posture really drives me crazy. Can’t her coach tell her to stand up straight?

    My favorite part of this show is how they have the coaches really involved in the journey of their team and seeing them perform on the show. I wish that they could incorporate another type of voice-only judging other than during the auditions.