FRINGE: John Noble and Anna Torv Talk About Their Favorite Season 3 Moments - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025

FRINGE: John Noble and Anna Torv Talk About Their Favorite Season 3 Moments

July 20, 2011 by  

With Comic-Con mere hours away, Give Me My Remote has a little fun treat for FRINGE fans.

When we caught up with stars John Noble and Anna Torv at their Paley Center panel, we asked them what their favorite/most memorable moment of season three was.

Take a look!



FRINGE: Jeff Pinkner, J.H. Wyman and Akiva Goldsman Talk ‘LSD,’ Episode 19 in Season 4 and Network Reaction to the Finale
FRINGE: Anna Torv and John Noble Talk Peter’s Disappearance and Season 4
FRINGE: J.H. Wyman, Jeff Pinkner and Akiva Goldsman Talk About the Two Universes. Plus, What Crazy Fan Theories Have They Heard About Season 4?

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe


4 Responses to “FRINGE: John Noble and Anna Torv Talk About Their Favorite Season 3 Moments”

  1. guest on July 20th, 2011 5:22 pm

    Anna Torv and John Noble .
    Amazing actors, wonderful people.

  2. Fine on July 20th, 2011 7:50 pm
  3. Guest on July 21st, 2011 3:07 am

    LOL at guest. I knew what you were going to say before I read it.

  4. Guest on July 21st, 2011 6:03 am

    Heh! I had the opposite reaction. I found it one of the most embarrassingly manipulative scenes on Fringe and it had exactly the opposite effect on me. It was that obvious and that beneath this show, but John Noble looks so cute telling how he got all emotional, it almost makes up for the soap opera.