WAREHOUSE 13: Executive Producer Jack Kenny Teases an 'Earth-Shattering' Twist - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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WAREHOUSE 13: Executive Producer Jack Kenny Teases an ‘Earth-Shattering’ Twist

July 28, 2011 by  

While WAREHOUSE 13 season 3 may have just started, executive producer Jack Kenny was already teasing the shocking events that will end the season during last week’s Comic-Con press room.

Kenny wouldn’t really expand on what will happen, but he did reveal a bit of the impact the “earth-shattering” event will have on the series.

Check it out…


I’m drawing a blank. What do you think happens on the show that will be this major?!

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One Response to “WAREHOUSE 13: Executive Producer Jack Kenny Teases an ‘Earth-Shattering’ Twist”

  1. Gloria Steinberg on August 30th, 2011 5:46 am

    Just watched the August 29th episode of Warehouse 13, and decided I’m not a fan any longer. Why would producers feel the need to push their left wing agenda and ruin a perfectly good series? I realize that many writers and producers feel they have to protest the Bush administration for their actions in keeping us safe after 9/11, but why introduce those beliefs in a story that has nothing to do with 9/11? I wonder if producer Jack Kenny had loved ones in danger and the only way to save them was water boarding, if he would agree to it? If not, and his loved ones perished, would he still feel the same way? Sorry, but my family is more valuable than some Islamic extremist whose goal is to murder them. So long Warehouse, it was nice knowing ya’.