FRINGE: William Sadler Set to Return - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FRINGE: William Sadler Set to Return

August 15, 2011 by  

Uh oh…this may not bode well for the sanity of FRINGE’s Walter Bishop: Fox has confirmed to Give Me My Remote that former FRINGE guest star William Sadler will be reprising his role as Dr. Sumner in the third episode of season 4.

As die-hard fans may remember, Sadler first appeared in the season one episode, “The Equation,” as a psychiatrist who opposed the release of Walter from St. Claire’s Hospital. Given that season 4 exists in a world where an adult Peter was never around to take custody of Walter, Dr. Sumner’s appearance can’t mean anything good for our dear Dr. Bishop, can it?

Or maybe you have a better theory? If so, share it below!


FRINGE: John Noble Teases Peter’s Return
FRINGE: Joshua Jackson Shares His Favorite Peter Theory and More
What is the Title of the FRINGE Season 4 Premiere? Executive Producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman Spill.

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe, TV News


4 Responses to “FRINGE: William Sadler Set to Return”

  1. ???? on August 15th, 2011 3:02 pm

    There will be a previously unseen Cortexiphan Kid (now grown) in one of the early episodes too. One of the kids from Olivia’s list from the height chart in Jacksonville.

  2. Shar on August 15th, 2011 4:08 pm

    I don’t remember him in Fringe but hes a great actor,and people are saying hes sort of a villain so I guess this isn’t good news for our poor Walter? S4 will be great, new writer,new characters,new twists,can’t wait.

  3. Donna on August 15th, 2011 6:31 pm

    He was the nasty doctor at St Clare’s in the episode where Walter had to go back into St Clare’s to talk to his crazy old friend (the Asian guy)

  4. Cortexifan on August 15th, 2011 10:51 pm

    Can I have September 23 now. The wait is killing me, not sure how much longer I can last.