Vodcast! The One Where Danielle and Marisa Talk About Returning Fall Shows - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Vodcast! The One Where Danielle and Marisa Talk About Returning Fall Shows

September 7, 2011 by  

We’re about a week from some of our favorite shows returning! Are you excited? I sure am!

I sat down with my friend Danielle Turchiano (from Made Possible By Pop Culture), and after we discussed which new shows have caught our attention, we talked about the returning shows we’re anticipating the most. We also may have declared our love for television promos, which if you read Give Me My Remote regularly, probably isn’t much of a surprise.

Check out our latest vodcast!


Love it? Hate it? Let us know!

And don’t forget to tell us which returning shows you’re most looking forward to!

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Filed under Vodcast


One Response to “Vodcast! The One Where Danielle and Marisa Talk About Returning Fall Shows”

  1. Shelly on September 7th, 2011 3:39 pm

    For next time, some Castle, pretty please.