Katie Holmes to Guest Star on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Katie Holmes to Guest Star on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER

September 22, 2011 by  

Katie Holmes has scored a long-teased role on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER…but no, it’s not the mother. (We think.)

Instead, Vulture is reporting that Holmes will appear in an upcoming Halloween episode as the Slutty Pumpkin, a girl who first referenced by Ted all the way back in season 1, but has yet to be properly introduced to the audience.

With the recent return of Victoria and now the Slutty Pumpkin to the canvas, is there any other former Ted flames you hope they bring back?

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Filed under How I Met Your Mother


2 Responses to “Katie Holmes to Guest Star on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER”

  1. Cloud on September 22nd, 2011 7:34 pm

    WOW THIS IS GREAT NEWS! Can’t wait for the new episode! XD

  2. Jim Mosby on September 29th, 2011 11:54 am

    That’s going to be funny. Still love all of the cameos and guest stars the show uses. Still my #1 fav show after all of these years…

    Sadly, #2 is no longer The Office, it’s The Big Bang Theory