CASTLE: Penny Johnson Jerald Answers Your Burning Questions! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CASTLE: Penny Johnson Jerald Answers Your Burning Questions!

October 24, 2011 by  

We’re just a few hours away from a brand new episode of CASTLE! And in case you need something to make the time go a little bit faster, we have just the thing for you.

I recently talked with new CASTLE star Penny Johnson Jerald (Gates) and she was kind enough to answer a few burning fan questions about pranks on set and what her character thinks of her coworkers…

We have a few questions fans were dying to get answered. Has anyone played a practical joke on you on-set? It’s a fairly lighthearted environment, from what I’ve seen.
Penny Johnson Jerald: [Laughs] Well, they would [be] from Nathan [Fillion (Castle), Jon [Huertas (Esposito)], or Seamus [Dever (Ryan)]. They are so funny, on and off the set. Nathan, you can watch him do it to other people, and so you’re just thinking, “It’s gonna happen to me. It’s gonna happen to me. It’s gonna happen to me.” But I think, I’ve had a week off, and I think that when I come back, it’s probably my time. Because I’ve watched him do it to everybody else. It’s so much fun. We laugh, we talk about crazy stuff. You know, the things that have nothing to do with CASTLE, and that’s what I really like. I really like to know that I’m working with real people first. You don’t have a bunch of [in a snooty tone] thespians walking around, you know, because they’re actors — you don’t have that on CASTLE. You have these real, down-to-earth people who, when the director calls, “Action,” they are right on their game because they’ve been doing this for some time, and it’s been pretty successful.

Good to know. We’ve obviously seen Ryan and Esposito are kind of wary of Gates and they’re a little afraid of what she’s gonna do to them. But what does she think of them?
PJJ: I think they are silly. [Laughs] In that I can see how they’re trying to impress her in their different ways. Ryan just timid, and he’s not gonna say much, but I’m sure she can imagine him calling her every name in the book behind her back. And then, you have the Esposito character who’s trying to do his version of charm. You know, like, “I got this, Captain.” You know, “I’m with you.” And you know that he’s talking about you behind your back, too.

But at the end of the day, they’re the ones that are gonna love you because they are gonna be the detective of the year because they, again, they’ve followed the rules, and they’ve caught the bad guys, and they’re doing their jobs. [Laughs] But they’re very funny to watch, I have to tell you. While filming, they’re very funny.

Obviously, Gates kind of questioned whether Castle should be in her precinct. Is she going to start questioning the status of the Castle and Beckett relationship because everyone else, it seems, has.
PJJ: She sees that relationship, and she has not let — they are not in on the fact that she knows what’s going on, but I think you, as the audience will see that, “Okay, she sees what’s going on. Now let’s see how she’s going to contend with that.” But they’re gonna have a different way at it themselves, because it’s not so comfortable at the precinct anymore. It’s not a place where you can go kick back and do what you want to do. You’ve got to be on your Ps and Qs while at home kind of thing, so their relationship will change as well.

CASTLE airs Mondays at 10 PM on ABC. And if you happen to be in the Los Angeles area, go to Golden Apple Comics on Monday, October 24th at 7 PM for your chance to meet series star Nathan Fillion and get your CASTLE books/graphic novels/DVDs signed!


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