About Last Night...HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, HART OF DIXIE, and CASTLE - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 15, 2025


November 8, 2011 by  

Monday night TV! So many good options in one night!

Unfortunately, I’m still out of town for work and away from my beloved TiVo, so what I was able to watch was limited. But there was some good television last night, so let’s get talking.

The 8 PM hour was difficult for me, with my first instinct being to watch GOSSIP GIRL live. At the last minute, I changed my mind and put on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER instead and I could not have been happier about my choice. (Sorry, TERRA NOVA, but you still haven’t wowed me enough to consider watching live above the other two shows.) While I’m still creeped out by Robin’s therapist boyfriend, this may have been one of my favorite episodes of the season. The return of the Slap Bet (with an additional three slaps granted — only two of which were used last night)? Fantastic. A flashback showing Barney and Robin nearly kissed right before he met Nora? So great, especially since it shed an entirely new light on Robin’s feelings for Barney at the end of last season and the start of this year. The present day Robin and Barney makeout? Well, at this point, is there any way these two don’t end up together? There technically is a love triangle with Nora, but as far as I’m concerned, we’ve barely seen her enough to make her a viable contender. So if we’re going to keep dragging out the mother mystery, can we at least get Barney and Robin officially back together?

I loved the addition of Magnolia on HART OF DIXIE. I’ve enjoyed Lemon, but Magnolia’s troubles and insecurities gave Lemon the chance to be much more sympathetic to viewers. I don’t necessarily want Lemon to postpone her happiness for her little sister, but given her complicated romantic feelings for both George and Lavon, I do appreciate that she chose her sister for the time being.

Not my favorite episode of CASTLE, but Esposito’s “El-vez” cracked me up and the promo for the next episode got me excited.

Tell me, what did you watch? Should I regret not watching GOSSIP GIRL live? Were TERRA NOVA and HOUSE good?

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2 Responses to “About Last Night…HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, HART OF DIXIE, and CASTLE”

  1. Jim Mosby on November 8th, 2011 12:41 pm

    I loves me some slapbet!

  2. Rachael on November 8th, 2011 10:47 pm

    Now that Chuck has moved to Fridays, I have been watching Castle on Monday nights this season, because I don’t have any other shows that I watch on Mondays and I need something to watch. I haven’t seen any of the earlier seasons except this one yet. Anyway I am just wondering, and I know this comment will sound totally nitpicky, but am I the only person who is irked by the fact that Beckett’s chest was cracked wide open in ep 1 and then in every ep following that, she wears all these scoop/V-neck shirts and there is not even so much as a HINT of a scar?? Again I know it’s nitpicky, but lack of attention to small continuity details like that drive me crazy. It just makes it seem super unrealistic, but maybe realism is not something I should expect from this type of show.

    “Not my favorite episode of CASTLE …”

    Yeah it was not great. The crime-of-the-week story was really formulaic and pretty lame, and the character stories didn’t move forward at all. The preview for the next episode does look good though.