CHUCK Recap: 'Chuck vs. the Frosted Tips' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CHUCK Recap: ‘Chuck vs. the Frosted Tips’

November 12, 2011 by  

THE MISSION – Carmicheal Industries has an important new client: the United States Government. Old friend General Beckman wants Chuck and Co. to capture Matt Zorn, proprietor of a whistle blowing website that is about to release information to the public that will endanger U.S. agents overseas.

An obnoxious and cocky Morgan Grimes has signed on with Gertrude Verbanski, taking the intersect and the flash drive with the mission details with him. Casey, fighting feelings of interest in his nemesis Gertrude, and Chuck, fighting feelings of betrayal from Morgan, vow to get the mission information back by infiltrating Verbanski Corporation’s futuristic headquarters. Sarah tags along, constantly reminding the others that “this isn’t Morgan. Morgan needs help.”

Casey and Verbanski tangle in her office to the strains of “Strangers In The Night” in a scene that Chris Fedak labeled “the most erotically charged thing we’ve ever done on the show,” while Chuck and Morgan square off in the exercise yard. Morgan is taken out through a combination of depantsing and tranq darts. You’ll only see this kind of lethally funny combination on Chuck.

Elsewhere, Sarah consults Ellie who tells her that they need to kickstart Morgan’s memory before he is totally engulfed by the new version intersect.

Meanwhile, Awesome is adjusting to being a stay at home dad with too much time on his hands. He and baby Clara (or as Lester calls her “the chosen one”) visit the Buy More, where he rescues Jeff from carbon monoxide poisoning with game changing results.

At a rooftop helipad the Verbanski and Carmicheal teams clash, while a nervous Matt Zorn pleads to be taken away to jail. Sarah and Gertrude agree to a split of the U.S. Government bounty. Could this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship?

All seems to be ending well in Burbank until General Beckman arrives with the news that Clyde Decker has put out a kill order on Morgan. We are left at the close of the episode with the disturbing sight of Morgan approaching a bomb loaded vehicle.

MISSION ANALYSIS – Last week, we had a not so subtle revisiting of STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE SITH. This week we have the redemption of STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI, complete with the image of Chuck hauling a limp Morgan through the flames and smoke to safety after making him remember who he was before the intersect. Who is Luke Skywalker indeed!


  • Sarah to Casey “What was that in there?”
  • “I think I can handle feeding, burping and wiping”
  • “You smell like the Glendale Galleria.”
  • “My biological clock is tick tocking…”

YOUR INPUT – In the teaser we see that Morgan is about to lose his super powers. How will Carmicheal Industries survive?

What did you think of “Chuck vs. the Frosted Tips”?

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