NBC Shuts Down Production on PRIME SUSPECT - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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NBC Shuts Down Production on PRIME SUSPECT

November 15, 2011 by  

When NBC left PRIME SUSPECT off their midseason schedule yesterday, there was no word on whether that meant the show was gone for good or just gone for a bit. But now, it appears, the series has ended its run.

Deadline is reporting that production will conclude on the freshman series after its initial 13 episode run. While technically the show is not canceled yet, it certainly doesn’t look good for the future of PRIME SUSPECT.

Are you disappointed more people didn’t tune in for PRIME SUSPECT?

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Filed under Prime Suspect, TV News


3 Responses to “NBC Shuts Down Production on PRIME SUSPECT”

  1. Sarah on November 16th, 2011 9:39 pm

    VERY disappointed! I LOVE this show! Maria Bello is awesome, and the show is great and quirky. USA needs to pick this up as part of their ‘characters’ vibe–I think it would really fit. !!!

  2. gina weiss on December 5th, 2011 2:45 pm

    I’m very disappointed that Prime Suspect will be cancelled. Two of the best cop shows around, Prime Suspect and Detroit 187 (cancelled last year), should still be on TV. They are smart, intelligent, edgy and make you think. And what will the networks put on in their place….some idiot shows. Boy, are we being dumbed down!!!

  3. Chantal on December 18th, 2011 11:35 pm

    I’m very disappointed that Prime Suspect will be cancelled. I am emotionally attatched.. I love the dysfunctionality of the relationships. I will add that her relationship with her boyfriend is reality. This show is reality…. and I know that if it was switched to another night… it would do better. I love this show.. Don’t take it off the air.