GLEE: Jayma Mays and Dot-Marie Jones Dish on Their Dream Songs and Duet Partners - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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GLEE: Jayma Mays and Dot-Marie Jones Dish on Their Dream Songs and Duet Partners

November 29, 2011 by  

GLEE is back after a Thanksgiving (and THE X FACTOR)-induced one week break! And while tonight’s brand new hour, “I Kissed a Girl,” may deal a lot with Santana’s coming out process, it also features another milestone: Dot-Marie Jones’ (Coach Bieste) first real solo song!

But before Jones filmed that, we sat down with her and costar Jayma Mays (Emma) to discuss what their dream songs would be to sing on the show, plus who they’d love to sing with.

Take a look!

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Filed under #1 featured, Glee


One Response to “GLEE: Jayma Mays and Dot-Marie Jones Dish on Their Dream Songs and Duet Partners”

  1. plusafdotcom on November 30th, 2011 11:48 pm

    GREAT show, great music and singing! That one should freak out any homophobes still viewing!

    Love the voices and costumes! Welcome back! And yes, she’s got a very nice voice! Good to hear and enjoy it and see her expressing herself (the character and actor, both.)