Fox President Kevin Reilly on FRINGE's Future - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Fox President Kevin Reilly on FRINGE’s Future

January 8, 2012 by  

As FRINGE fans know, Peter Bishop getting back to his timeline isn’t the only pressing matter at hand — there’s also the looming fact that the show has been struggling a bit in its Friday time slot.

So what does that mean for a potential season 5?

“You know what…FRINGE has been a point of pride,” Kevin Reilly said during his executive session at TCA. “I share the passion of the show with the fans…I love the fans, that they stuck with us.”

“The hesitation in my voice is that it’s an expensive show,” he continued. Reilly went on to say that while FRINGE has boosted Fox’s Friday, right now, they’re actually losing money on the show.

Whatever happens with the show, “I do not want to drop the ball on those fans,” Reilly said. He does, however, ask you don’t start sending in things: “Please don’t start the letter writing campaign right now, I can’t take it.”

After the session, Reilly was asked for clarification on whether the FRINGE writers would be allowed to wrap up the show on their own terms if the series isn’t renewed…and the news isn’t great.

“Well, it’s a tricky one, because they’ll have to write that [season 4 finale] episode before I think Warner would be prepared to have the business discussion,” Reilly noted after his session. “So they’re going to have to figure that one out.”

FRINGE returns Friday, January 13 at 9 PM on Fox.


FRINGE Photo Preview: ‘Back to Where You’ve Never Been’
FRINGE: John Noble Teases ‘Back to Where You’ve Never Been’! Plus, Check out a ‘Clear’ Promo for 2012
FRINGE: Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman Talk ‘And Those We’ve Left Behind’ and What’s to Come

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe


4 Responses to “Fox President Kevin Reilly on FRINGE’s Future”

  1. olddarth on January 9th, 2012 9:36 am

    With Fringe reaching syndication numbers this season am prepping myself for this being the last season.

    Sure hope, like John Noble feels, that the show will get at least one more season.

  2. Zepp on January 9th, 2012 12:47 pm

    I, for my part, I think Fringe has the end of this 4th season, a kind of “fitting end”, consistent with everything we have seen and discussed, along those four seasons. But also think that Fringe will continue but on another network. Fringe is something very special, for us fans, and for the three million Americans, the faithful who watch the show, despite being on a Friday night, the millions of users of the DVR system, and the many excellent companies advertise systematically, in view of the episodes. Fringe is something greater strategic business mistakes, just having adequate competence and dynamism, to bring this condition their unique and different show that is, financial success, too.

  3. DadzBoyz on January 9th, 2012 4:18 pm

    So, what he’s saying is that Fringe was sacrificed in an experiment to “boost Fox’s Friday”.
    So, move it to another day (Tuesday) and give it one more season.

  4. Locustnet on January 27th, 2012 11:14 pm

    Fringe definitely did much better rating wise on Thursday nights, then putting it on it’s Friday night kil attempt. I hope if it gets cancelled they follow through with this web series the writers have talked about. But I do agree with you DadzBoyz, and I think the show would have a longer life expectancy.