GOSSIP GIRL: Ed Westwick Talks Chuck, Blair and Dan - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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GOSSIP GIRL: Ed Westwick Talks Chuck, Blair and Dan

January 16, 2012 by  

If you had any doubts GOSSIP GIRL’s Chuck Bass would survive those injuries he got in the midseason finale car crash, his portrayer, Ed Westwick, has some good news for you: “I’m alive!”

And thanks to some time jumping in tonight’s brand new episode, fans won’t have to see Chuck in terrible shape for long…at least not physically.

“He’s fine,” Westwick said. “Emotionally, probably not, but he never is. Physically, fine.”

Ah, the emotional aspect. Last we saw Chuck and Blair, they had decided to give their relationship another shot. Now? Things have changed. When I pressed Westwick for details, he was mum on why the duo were suddenly on the outs again.

“I can’t tell you that!” he exclaimed. “I can’t tell you nothing! I’d lose my job!”

And while Westwick was coy about that, he was much more willing to say fans of “Chair” shouldn’t give up on their couple.

“You got to have hope, right?” Westwick noted. “We’ve been in it so long now…just to give up? We can’t just give up!”

However, Chuck does have some unexpected competition for Blair’s heart, thanks to Dan’s recent-ish feelings for her. Westwick said Chuck certainly didn’t see that particular obstacle coming.

“It’s an interesting one,” he said. “I guess stranger things have happened. Definitely in our show.”

Does that mean Chuck has what it takes to ultimately be the man for Blair, versus the seemingly more “together” Dan?

“An underdog is an underdog, but you can never underestimate him,” Westwick noted. “He’s proved himself quite a worthy opponent.”

Perhaps what happens in the upcoming 100th episode will change things even further.

“I’m going to be at [Blair and Louis’] wedding, trying to get my girl,” Westwick teased. “We’ll see what happens.”

What do you want to see happen?

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Filed under #1 featured, Gossip Girl


7 Responses to “GOSSIP GIRL: Ed Westwick Talks Chuck, Blair and Dan”

  1. Emily on January 16th, 2012 1:37 pm

    LOL, Ed, I love you, but Dan is NOT a worthy opponent. Especially considering Blair only loves Chuck. 😉 I know Chuck won’t succeed in getting his girl YET, but he will by the end of the season! <3

  2. Olivia on January 16th, 2012 1:51 pm

    Yay, a surprise interview! Thanks for the scoop. I’m definitely not giving up on Chair, not now, not ever 🙂

  3. Olivia on January 16th, 2012 1:53 pm

    Oh, and what I want to see happen: Blair ditching the boring prince and running back to her true love! They’re the heart and soul of Gossip Girl.

  4. Kim on January 16th, 2012 2:06 pm

    Chairs so epic and I have no doubt they are endgame since season one. Dan to me is not a worthy opponent if the writers actually stayed true to his character. They completely wrote Dair in a way that it is hard to believe. I don’t even like them as friends let Alone more than that. Blair belongs with Chuck. Dan is not a threat. Nate is a bigger threat than Dan is when it comes to Blair. But if course we know Chuck will always get the girl in the end.

  5. Donna on January 16th, 2012 2:07 pm

    Dan proved being douche and nothing else 🙂 i dont like him! Go get yout girl chuckles and mr. sexwick <3

  6. Sa. on January 16th, 2012 4:06 pm

    We love U Ed and we’ll never give up on Chuck&Blair just like you said!;)Go and get YOUR girl….Louis is a lost cause and Dan never was and never will be a good or enough worthy opponent(he lacks everything)!So Chair all the way:):):)

  7. Mags on January 16th, 2012 7:43 pm

    Dan and Blair, please!! I love that Ed sees it too.