About Last Night... THE BIG BANG THEORY, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, AMERICAN IDOL and More! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


January 20, 2012 by  

Thursday night was one of those instances when my TiVo was lucky it didn’t get thrown out a window — not only did it not record the last few minutes of AMERICAN IDOL, but it prematurely deleted THE VAMPIRE DIARIES.

Yeah…it was that kind of night.

But I did watch a few shows, so let’s talk about Thursday night TV!

I’m very curious about what you guys thought of THE BIG BANG THEORY‘s 100th episode. I went in knowing it wasn’t all real, but I can understand if some fans were disappointed/felt misled by the events. (And the Sheldon/Howard/Raj jokes about “wood” made me laugh entirely too hard.)

Apparently very big things happened near the end of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES last night, but since my TiVo randomly deleted it after I had only watched half the episode, I’m in the dark so far. (If you need me, I’ll be sitting in the corner, twitching, until CW puts it up on their website. No pressure, CW.)

My new favorite AMERICAN IDOL contestants may be the Guy Who Sang The FAMILY MATTERS Theme Song and the Man Who Sang Michael Bolton. (It’s possible that may not be their legal names.) There were a couple of girls who were good, but the aforementioned men made the biggest impression on me.

Um, so THE OFFICE happened. It was weird, but not bad. But I don’t know if it was good? There were some humorous moments, but I don’t know if I’d say I enjoyed the episode. It just…was.

Right now, my biggest concern on THE FINDER is how they’re going to make the character of Willa plausibly fit in the series. Last night? It didn’t feel like we needed her. I enjoyed the case. The Sweets visit might have been far-fetched, but it was fun. But I don’t know that Willa’s beach party and stolen car added anything to the hour. I hope that changes next week.

PARKS & RECREATION, PERSON OF INTEREST, GREY’S ANATOMY, SECRET CIRCLE and THE FIRM are all on my “watch as soon as there’s time on Friday” list. If you watched any of those, I’m open to suggestions on what I should put on first…

What did you think of last night’s TV?

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5 Responses to “About Last Night… THE BIG BANG THEORY, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, AMERICAN IDOL and More!”

  1. Alyssa on January 20th, 2012 1:51 pm

    Paul Rudd was on Parks & Rec. That means you should watch that one immediately! Love him.

  2. Jenny on January 20th, 2012 2:00 pm

    Sheldon, Raj, and Howard playing Settlers of Catan just made the episode so much better!

  3. Marisa Roffman on January 20th, 2012 2:36 pm

    Good point re: Rudd. I shall get on that ASAP!

  4. E on January 20th, 2012 3:29 pm

    Watch greys and parks and rec. both were good but greys ending was so great

  5. Sarah on January 20th, 2012 6:44 pm

    I watched Parks and Rec, and it was very funny. Though I recommend watching once you’re all caught up on the series (not sure if you are?). I also watched The Finder, and I liked it enough to keep watching again. Not sure if that is out of loyalty or interest, but I’m too tired to analyze it. Willa…ugh, so pointless, and also not good acting. I thought that a lot of the character work on the show is so strict or contrived or…I’m not sure what the right word is. Former warden who loves Jesus and the death penalty? Two Miami Vice types? Old codgy former IA guy? all of the kids on the beach, etc— those characters have all been done before on other shows, many times– very cliche, which is a bummer.

    I’m loving Leo more and more as the series goes on. I liked Walter too in this week’s episode, and the Sweets stuff was kind of fun, though that possible is also because Walter gave him a really hard time. I thought it was interesting that Isobel’s character was also under-used. And if she walks into a room and puts one hand on her hip and poses again….double ugh.