FRINGE: Joshua Jackson on Peter's Reunion With Elizabeth, Olivia's Fate and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FRINGE: Joshua Jackson on Peter’s Reunion With Elizabeth, Olivia’s Fate and More

January 20, 2012 by  

Last week’s episode of FRINGE kicked many storylines into high-gear, but one of the calmer (and sweetest) moments of the hour was when Peter’s mother, Elizabeth, recognized her long-dead “son.”

Given how everyone in Peter’s life has no memory of him — and has shown very little desire to get to know him — what did it mean for the youngest Bishop to have that connection?

“You know, there’s always a couple of different things going on on FRINGE,” Joshua Jackson (Peter) explained to reporters at Fox’s TCA party. “There’s the plot that’s happening and then, for me, I just feel like in a different version of this show where Peter’s emotional storyline was more central to what FRINGE was, it’s such a crucial and underexplored relationship. The guilt that this guy feels over his mother — who in his timeline committed suicide pretty directly linked to the fact that he ran away from home — to have this woman, this presence, in his life again…that would be a watershed moment. And…we’ve explored that father-son bond, but to have that motherly bond, that sort of love that could cross a universe, say. Or cross a timeline. To have her be the first person to actually see him is a really big deal.”

As for the episode’s other big bombshell, Jackson shared that it would be a little while before Peter discovered that this new version of Olivia is in danger.

“He learns about it about five episodes down the road,” he said. “And I think if any Olivia Dunham — potentially any Fauxlivia Dunham — was in real jeopardy, Peter would be there for her.”

That may be a nice sentiment, but Jackson’s other tease about the Observer reveal is a little bit more cryptic: “If you really listen to what the Observer said, it’s incredibly ambiguous.”


And many fans know that Jackson famously helped shape the season 3 finale twist, he admitted that he’s in the dark on how this year will end.

“No, [I don’t know anything],” Jackson said. “This is the first time on FRINGE…where we’re this deep in the season and I have absolutely no clue where we’re going. They were sort of — there was a natural place the show had to go to satisfy the story that had been introduced [last season], but there is no necessary ending to the story we’ve introduced this year. It could go a bunch of different ways. So I have no clue!”

So many theories! Do you have any ideas about where this season is leading?


Jared Harris Talks About His FRINGE Return and the New Season of MAD MEN
FRINGE: Jasika Nicole Teases ‘Back To Where You’ve Never Been’
FRINGE: Joshua Jackson Teases ‘Back To Where You’ve Never Been’ and the Show’s Future

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe


10 Responses to “FRINGE: Joshua Jackson on Peter’s Reunion With Elizabeth, Olivia’s Fate and More”

  1. dana on January 20th, 2012 8:00 pm

    Fringe… You rock!!!

  2. lizosarus on January 21st, 2012 2:09 am

    Jackson’s right though, September’s warning was terribly vague (can I start using ‘Observerly’ as a unit of measure or a adjective?) I mean technically… Olivia has died. It was her death that led to the creation of the machine and all the events of the ‘Future’ that caused Peter to unite the 2 universes, erase himself and create the new time line. If it’s that death that September is referring to then what he’s saying is that it’s not a matter of fixing this timeline because it had to happen it had to be created just the way it was (just like how FutureWalter couldn’t simply not make the machine in the first place it had to happen). Olivia must die in the future where everything’s fucked so that Peter can actually prevent it from happening…

    As for the great mystery of Who Shot September I think in the end it’s going to be something like Peter shoots September to prevent him from warning Olivia who misunderstands the warning and ends up getting herself killed or something poetically timey wimey like that. It’s hard to make predictions for the Observers when we know almost nothing about them still. It’s all a little Observerly if you know my meaning.

  3. Hemo_jr on January 25th, 2012 9:17 pm

    Is it just this Olivia’s futures that September was talking about? Or would it include all Olivias? All blue Olivias? All red Olivias?

  4. Lisa on January 25th, 2012 9:19 pm

    Does that mean we still have at least 5 more episodes in THIS timeline? Because that sucks. I love this show to pieces, but I want him home already. I don’t care about these people nearly as much because I know they’re not the “right” people. Ugh!

  5. Jon on January 25th, 2012 10:40 pm

    Well, September said “in all possible timelines,” and the observers were surprised when Peter appeared in the current timeline, so it is possible that she survives in this one, as it is impossible.
    He also said “you (Olivia) must die,” the key word being MUST, not “will,” which can be taken as if she doesn’t die, something horrible will happen, such as another end-of-the-universe scenario.
    Then again, I’m probably wrong, as I have not been able to figure out what was going to happen.
    Another note, does anyone else think that the story Walter told a few seasons ago foreshadowed anything that we disregarded because it was made up?

  6. Daniel on January 25th, 2012 10:53 pm

    The observer said something along the lines of “I’ve observed all the times lines, and you must die in all of them.”

    That is ambiguous because LIFE in general is FINITE. Its the cycle of life, we all live and will die. Its something we don’t like to think about but it is inevitable.

    You guys are putting way too much thought into what the observer said!

  7. Julie on January 25th, 2012 11:05 pm

    I just friggin LOVE this show!!!

  8. Anom on January 26th, 2012 2:22 am

    I think that just like lost, he is makIng it up as he goes along! I loved Fringe up to this season. I predict a disappointing ending to a great show.

  9. Fitz on January 26th, 2012 4:13 pm

    i am with daniel on this one… just because september told olivia she must die doesnt mean anything. if you look at all of my futures i must die as well…. eventually… he could mean when shes 90 of natural causes.

    and for all you girls that complain about “i am tired of this timeline, peter needs to be back home with his olivia, they need to be together” blah blah blah…. go watch a freakin soap opera if you want a love story. this is a sci fi show and it is awesome. its not days of our lives, its fringe.

    that is all.

  10. dante on March 19th, 2012 7:01 pm

    fitz i agree w u about everything. fringe rocks the way it is!
    the only thing that i would really love to have back its the old dear insane WALTER BISHOP with all of his madness.. i really miss him! somehow he was the real show on fringe. and no olivia’s power or soap opera’s plots can replace it!