About Last Night... GLEE, RAISING HOPE, UNFORGETTABLE and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 15, 2025


February 8, 2012 by  

Tuesday night TV is supposed to be easy. Alas, it was not.

Let’s talk about what aired last night!

There was so much inappropriate about last night’s GLEE I barely know where to start. Since when does Will not know Spanish? (And WHY do the writers insist on ruining him?) Since when is it appropriate to talk to mostly UNDERAGE children about donating sperm so they can father your potential kid, Sue? Finally they use Emma as a guidance counselor and it’s for that? Ugh, I’m going to stop now.

90210 bored me. I’m glad Naomi grew up and acted responsible, but so much of the episode was predictable/boring that I couldn’t bring myself to care.

I don’t want to alarm anyone, but it appears RINGER has made significant storytelling progress that there is no way they’ll be able to undo. (I literally rewound my TiVo to verify I had not imagined it.) Now that Henry knows the truth, can we please keep him alive? I actually really find myself enjoying him and Siobhan. (Are we thinking Juliet was raped? My current theory is she wasn’t raped, but the girl who came up really was.)

Garret Dillahunt’s screams in last night’s RAISING HOPE as he dealt with taxes were just amazing. I wish Virginia’s career as a tarot card reader had lasted a little bit longer, but it was great seeing her make her customers do what she wanted. Too bad she came thisclose to actually breaking up Wyatt and Sabrina…that relationship has overstayed its welcome.

I enjoyed THE RIVER‘s first two hours, but I genuinely don’t know how this is going to work as a multi-season series. I know that could be said of many good shows, but when I watched the episodes, I couldn’t help but think this felt like it would be a great mini-series. But perhaps if there is a second season, they’ll change things up considerably.

Last night’s episode of UNFORGETTABLE was my favorite of the season. While serial killers are clearly bad in real life, having an unknown entity taunting Carrie and the team over the phone was a nice change of pace and made for an entirely different kind of episode. I loved that while they caught/killed the man who was doing the actual murders by the end, the voice over the phone was still at large. May sweeps comeback?

I loved the return of Sara on WHITE COLLAR. Her chemistry with Neal is adorable, and I think it’ll be interesting to see them try and be “friends.” And how adorable were Peter and Elizabeth with her parents? Who would have thought Mozzie would be a secret weapon of sorts for Peter distracting his in-laws?

I wanted to watch NCIS‘ 200th episode, but time conflicts meant it’ll be watched later. Did any of you watch it?

What did you watch last night?

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One Response to “About Last Night… GLEE, RAISING HOPE, UNFORGETTABLE and More”

  1. ColoradoKila on February 9th, 2012 4:29 pm

    I made the same comment regarding THE RIVER. Just don’t see the legs, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just unsure of how it would work. I am also concerned that the ghost/supernatural/black magic angle will wear thin after a while. It doesn’t have the room to explore those elements the way a Supernatural does. I was intrigued however. And hello, dolls are scary!!