About Last Night...AMERICAN IDOL and AWAKE - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

About Last Night…AMERICAN IDOL and AWAKE

March 2, 2012 by  

This falls under high-class problems, but I actually missed most of last night’s television due to being at the party for the AMERICAN IDOL top 13. (I know, poor little reporter girl.)

But let’s talk about AMERICAN IDOL and AWAKE!

Can we get Jimmy Iovine as a judge on AMERICAN IDOL? I didn’t agree with every comment he made about the contestants, but at least he seemed to be willing to criticize some of the problems they had. I’m really hoping the season jump-starts now that we have our 13…I want to be blown away by these singers.

I’ve seen the AWAKE pilot probably about 5 times by now, and it still gives me chills each and every time. I’ve gushed about the show at length, but now I’m really curious to hear what you guys thought about it. Any early theories about the crash or which reality is real?

PARKS & RECREATION and THE OFFICE didn’t TiVo, so I’m waiting for them to come On Demand. Which one should I watch first? And what did you guys watch last night?

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Filed under About Last Night


One Response to “About Last Night…AMERICAN IDOL and AWAKE”

  1. Kath (canakatydid) on March 2nd, 2012 1:53 pm

    LOVED Awake!! Thanks so much for the recommendation!