About Last Night...THE SIMPSONS, BOB'S BURGERS, and GCB - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Monday, March 10, 2025


April 16, 2012 by  

On a night filled with so much quality television, I took it easy. Most of it wasn’t by choice, per se, since I don’t watch a lot of the “bigger” shows that air on Sunday night, but there were a few shows I did watch — and a few others I’m thisclose to giving up.

Let’s talk about Sunday night TV!

Oh, THE SIMPSONS. Homer discovering “Stranded” (AKA THE SIMPSONS’ version of LOST) was hysterical, but I watched the storyline with the morbid knowledge that this would not go anywhere good. See, I still love the LOST finale. I really do. And while I absolutely understand why others didn’t, those who choose to mock it based on false facts (“I can’t believe they were dead all along! What a joke!”) get under my skin. (I’m protective of shows I adore. This likely isn’t a surprise.) I’m really glad they didn’t follow the show’s exact narrative, so while they were able to gently poke fun at the series and its never-ending questions, it didn’t entirely feel malicious to me.

As someone who has stood on lines at food trucks (and wondered why I was waiting in an hour for a freaking meal), I was so amused by BOB’S BURGERS last night. I find it less amusing when people use feeding vegetarians meat as a joke — boy, I sound preachy today about what I do and don’t like — but I thought it was a solid episode. (And I really hope someone at Fox registers the @bobsburgersfoodtruck Twitter handle ASAP.)

I nearly forgot GCB was new last night (my mind was thinking the TITANIC mini-series was three hours), so I’m incredibly glad my TiVo picked it up. Loved seeing the hot mess that was the church performance. And heck, go Ripp! Yes, the girls got some closure on their high school years by throwing mud at Amanda (and each other), but I liked that Ripp made them verbally agree to behave. (Let’s see how long it lasts.) And who would have guessed Sharon and Gigi would be so amazing together? Hopefully her business continues to go well. (And seriously, I hope more of you check this show out. It’s so much fun!)

I’m seriously, seriously debating putting my THE KILLING viewing on hold until we reach later in the season. I didn’t have as many problems with the show last season as others did, but the pacing in the first two hours bothered me and I’ve had no desire at all to watch last week’s episode. I think the knowledge that we are 100% for sure going to only find out the real answer in the season finale (and be subjected to countless red herrings in the meantime) is bothering me more than I thought it would.

But enough from me…what did you guys watch?

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One Response to “About Last Night…THE SIMPSONS, BOB’S BURGERS, and GCB”

  1. Sarah on April 16th, 2012 6:04 pm

    I am loving GCB…seriously funny. All of what you mentioned is what I would have said too.

    Re:The Killing…i heard good things last year, and then of course saw the huge outrage at the finale and season two scoop you mentioned. But a couple of guys at work talked me in to checking it out. Since it is on Netflix, I thought I would work through it. One of my guys said he thought I should stockpile season two and watch season one and two together. I watched the pilot and ep two and also thought it was a good idea. Since you said that sort of thing also, Marisa, I think that is what I am going to do.