Favorite Fox Shows From the First 25 Years - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Favorite Fox Shows From the First 25 Years

April 22, 2012 by  

Fox celebrates their first 25 years on the air tonight, and to honor that time, I wanted to look back at a few of my favorite shows that have aired on the network. The following list is 100% biased, consisting just of the series that have meant the most to me. As a warning, there are some darn good shows that just simply aren’t on this list… 


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It's  such a bittersweet thing to be an ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT fan. While I firmly disagree with the notion of something being too smart for television, this does feel like a show that was simply on at the wrong time. The Bluths were crazy, kind of terrible, and most importantly, wickedly funny. I am so glad we will be getting more of their story soon thanks to the new Netflix deal. 

Okay, now you can yell at me — what should I have included?

Filed under #1 featured, Photos


2 Responses to “Favorite Fox Shows From the First 25 Years”

  1. Scooter McGavin on April 22nd, 2012 7:23 pm

    I have not watched anything on Fox since the series finale of Arrested Development so I do not know about any of the newer shows, but I would be remised if I did not point out that the twelve year old version of myself is completely offended that you left off your list In Living Color, the single greatest television show ever forged (at least according to the twelve year old version of myself). Also it is worth mentioning that Herman’s Head could possibly be the greatest horrible show ever.

  2. Jules on April 22nd, 2012 10:20 pm

    I’m totally with you on The X-Files. My first series TV show I followed as much as I could (I was only allowed TV on the weekends growing up) and it’s the first show where I became a “shipper” fan.

    Two other show I would have added to your list are Party of Five and MadTV. Both shows were ones that had their ups and downs, but managed to have an impact on my TV viewing experiences through the years.