About Last Night...THE VOICE, GOSSIP GIRL, BONES and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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About Last Night…THE VOICE, GOSSIP GIRL, BONES and More

April 24, 2012 by  

Oh, Monday night TV! Let’s talk about the shenanigans that went down..

There were some amazing THE VOICE performances last night…I think Jamar, Katrina, Tony and Cheesa impressed me the most. (And yes, I will be listening to “…Baby One More Time” about 45 more times today.)

So much selfishness on GOSSIP GIRL last night. I was a little appalled by Blair’s behavior, but go Dan for understanding her crazy and not flying off the handle about it. I’m going to be just insanely bummed if Rufus and Lily split for good, but I’m glad they’re at least dealing with their issues. Now for the big questions — what the heck is Lola going to do with the log-in info for the Gossip Girl website and, um, is Jack Bass Chuck’s father?!

So, did BONES do the first-ever worm autopsy on television? I’m trying to think if I’ve ever seen that before, but I can’t recall anything. I’m really glad we didn’t miss Parker’s first meeting with Christine, but, um, why was he in Europe for four months? I understand it was a throwaway line to explain WHY he hadn’t met his sister yet, but he’s a kid…is his mother living there now? (Which you would think would be an even bigger issue for Booth; there has never been any doubt how much Booth loves his son.) Was it a prolonged vacation? Glad Parker at least didn’t have any major issues with all the changes to his life.

I just want to hug HART OF DIXIE. It sounds so cheesy, but it’s true. It made sense that George’s relief over finally finding out why Lemon was acting weird led him to acting out. Unfortunately, all of Zoe’s hope about a potential future with George is just setting her up to be crushed, right? She seemed entirely too happy about everything for me to be confident it will last.

HOUSE…you’re not going to break my heart and kill Wilson, will you? Out of all the characters I think I’d be truly sad to lose, he’s number one on my list. And cancer? How unfortunate. (Guess it’s a good thing it’s not lupus?)

What did you watch last night?

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One Response to “About Last Night…THE VOICE, GOSSIP GIRL, BONES and More”

  1. Kath (canakatydid) on April 24th, 2012 6:04 pm

    I will join you in your “Hart of Dixie” hug! Great episode and nice balance to the explosive reveal of last week’s big reveal! Plus shirtless Wade, Tom (it’s Tom right?) singing with his new REQUITED crush, and enough George/Zoe love to satisfy their fan base so we can get back to Zoe/Wade! 😀

    Loved the Smash Bollywood scene btw! Dev can actually sing and he moved pretty well too! And while Katherine McPhee’s version was amazing, Megan Hilty’s version of the “Second Hand Piano” song gave me chills!!