THE VOICE: Tony Lucca Explains Why He Decided to Tackle a Britney Spears Song - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

THE VOICE: Tony Lucca Explains Why He Decided to Tackle a Britney Spears Song

April 24, 2012 by  

What’s the best way to get people talking after being called “one dimensional” by a former costar? For THE VOICE’s Tony Lucca, the answer was to do his take on “…Baby One More Time,” a song first made popular by Britney Spears (another one of his former MICKEY MOUSE CLUB costars).

When I caught up with Lucca after Monday night’s live performance show, he noted there were “layers of value” to choosing that song, but seemed pleased with how everything had turned out.

Take a look for more on that, if Christina Aguilera knew to expect a Britney song from him and much more…



THE VOICE: The Eliminated Singers From Team Adam and Team Cee Lo Speak Out
THE VOICE Highlight: Tony Lucca Sings ‘…Baby One More Time’

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Filed under #1 featured, The Voice


One Response to “THE VOICE: Tony Lucca Explains Why He Decided to Tackle a Britney Spears Song”

  1. Sarah on April 24th, 2012 12:49 pm

    I have said it before, but I’m new to The Voice this year, and I also admit that I really don’t know much about the four judges. I guess I like less mainstream music. I knew who all of them were, but couldn’t sing any of their songs, except maybe Forget You. Okay…moving on…

    But the point is that it’s been interesting to me to see how these judges work and their personalities too. As I’ve watched this season, at first, I sort of thought Adam was maybe a little bit of a SOB, but…as the weeks have gone on, I think he’s the best judge. I think he is the most honest, with his own singers and with others (even if he is praising them). I think he is also really genuine in his praise and…I don’t know, excitement for music? It’s hard to explain. The point is, I really liked what he had to say about him suggesting this song, and Tony not really wanting to do it but then Tony accepted it, put a fist into it basically and knocked it out of the part (weird metaphors there, but oh well!).

    I thought it was great, all around.