THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Candice Accola Teases Tyler's Return, What's to Come with the Tyler-Caroline-Klaus Triangle and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Monday, March 17, 2025

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Candice Accola Teases Tyler’s Return, What’s to Come with the Tyler-Caroline-Klaus Triangle and More

April 19, 2012 by  


After a few weeks off, TVD is back, and that’s not the only return — Tyler makes his way back to Mystic Falls, too.

But what does that mean for the people in his life?

I sat down with Candice Accola (Caroline) earlier this week to find out how Tyler’s return will impact her character, what role Klaus plays in this storyline and more…


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One Response to “THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Candice Accola Teases Tyler’s Return, What’s to Come with the Tyler-Caroline-Klaus Triangle and More”

  1. Jonas on May 17th, 2014 10:16 am

    Bon ba ϳ’en parlerai ѕur mon blog personnel