TV Chat with Team GMMR – Join Us Every Friday!
May 4, 2012 by Marisa Roffman
Every Friday at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT, Team GMMR will host a LIVE chat to talk all things television. What’s coming up on your favorite shows? What did we think of what went down on TV this past week? It’s your chance to come ask your most dire TV questions.
Set a reminder so you don’t forget!
Got a burning question you want us to answer but can’t make it to the chat? Leave us a comment below, or hit us up with a tweet (be sure to use the #GMMRtvChat hashtag) and then come back later and replay the chat at your earliest convenience!
Can’t wait to chat with you today. Will you be joining us?
Follow @GiveMeMyRemote and @marisaroffman on Twitter for the latest TV news. Connect with other TV fans on GIVE ME MY REMOTE’s official Facebook page.
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