About Last Night...AMERICAN IDOL, SUBURGATORY, MODERN FAMILY and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 28, 2025


May 10, 2012 by  

A bunch of things went down on TV last night, so let’s talk about Wednesday night’s television…

Logically, I get why AMERICAN IDOL is doing their two bloated hours of show, but goodness, I don’t feel like the show has ever felt more stuffed with filler. Either have the contestants sing three solo songs or do something to make it feel like we’re not wasting our time. It seems clear the judges want Hollie gone, but I’d still rather have Joshua go…I get he’s good, but…ugh.

Speaking of logic, the one downside of Alicia Silverstone on SUBURGATORY as George’s love interest is that we know it’s not a long-term thing. As much as I do adore Dallas and George, Eden and George are so sweet together and I have been enjoying watching them try to navigate their way through this bizarre relationship. (Though, of course, my favorite moment of the episode was Dallas catching up on X-FILES after she didn’t get a reference George made to her about Mulder and Scully. And Dallas being a shipper — “KISS HER, MULDER!” — was just fantastic.)

All I want to do is go to Disneyland now. Thanks, MODERN FAMILY. And while I still think leashing your kids is icky, Cam and Mitch’s struggle with what to do over Lily was funny — and it really is a toss-up whether putting her in heels was a better solution. I do wonder if Gloria will change her shoes now. (Gloria, I love me my crazy heels, too. But a) there are super comfy ones out there and b) DON’T WEAR THEM TO DISNEY!)

I don’t think last night’s episode of DON’T TRUST THE B—- IN APARTMENT 23 was the strongest the series has done, but the fact that it still made me laugh out loud is a major win. Plus, Beek Jeans!! (And yes, I loved THE X-FILES shout-out there, too.)

I feel like the IDOL shows take too much out of me to actually tune in to my regular 10 PM scripted shows. (REVENGE and SVU.) Oh well.

What did you watch last night?

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