FRINGE: Is Seth Gabel Returning As a Regular in Season 5? Plus, Gabel Talks About Where He Thinks Lincoln Was in the Finale and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FRINGE: Is Seth Gabel Returning As a Regular in Season 5? Plus, Gabel Talks About Where He Thinks Lincoln Was in the Finale and More

May 22, 2012 by  

A little over a year ago, FRINGE fans were delighted when it was confirmed that long-time guest star Seth Gabel (Lincoln/alt-Lincoln) had been bumped up to a full-time position on the series following Peter’s season-ending erasure from existence.

But will given Lincoln’s decision to go Over There — and with the bridge being closed to prevent the collapse of both universes — will Gabel be a series regular for the show’s fifth season?

Unfortunately, this time the news isn’t as good.

Sources confirm that Gabel will not be an official series regular for the show’s final season. However — and this is important to note before you completely freak out — that does not mean Lincoln can’t pop up at some time during season 5. (After all, he was a guest star all the way up to last season.)

So, with that bad news out of the way, I talked with Gabel on the FRINGE set of the season finale. Obviously, he wasn’t in the finale, but I picked his brain on what he thought Lincoln might be up to and the differences for him being a series regular versus a guest star. Take a look!


You OK with this news, FRINGE fans?


FRINGE: Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman on the Season 4 Finale and Where They’re Going in Season 5
FRINGE: Leonard Nimoy on Returning to the Series, What Bell is Up To, and If He’ll Be Involved in Season 5
FRINGE Season Finale: ‘Brave New World, Part 2′ Photo Preview

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe


5 Responses to “FRINGE: Is Seth Gabel Returning As a Regular in Season 5? Plus, Gabel Talks About Where He Thinks Lincoln Was in the Finale and More”

  1. Donna on May 22nd, 2012 6:57 pm

    I’m OK with it because it wasn’t hard to figure out he might not be coming back.

    (what happened to the video?)

  2. Marisa Roffman on May 22nd, 2012 9:08 pm

    @Donna: It was glitching, but it should be fixed now! Let me know if you have any problems. 🙂

  3. AngelMoon Girl on May 22nd, 2012 10:49 pm

    I’m okay with this; it makes sense because the story needs to be a lot more compressed and there isn’t room for Lincoln’s character. I do hope he returns as a guest star, I wouldn’t want the bridge to be closed forever, but I’m more interested in the Olivia/Peter/Walter story than anything else. Plus cannot wait for Etta! 🙂

  4. Jessica on May 22nd, 2012 11:47 pm

    I’m OK with it, because going on what happened at the end of the season, the story is moving on to a different scenario for season 5. So, honestly I don’t think anybody would see this as a surprise.

    We have a new character of Etta coming into the mix as well as a bigger presence of the observers, hence 4.19, than we have ever had before on the show. So, I’m really looking forward to seeing how this all plays out in season 5.

  5. asukar on May 23rd, 2012 7:29 am

    This news makes me absolutely happy.