SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Premiere Audition Highlights - Daniel Baker, Hampton Williams ('The Exorcist'), Bree Hafen and Shafeek Westbrook - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Premiere Audition Highlights – Daniel Baker, Hampton Williams (‘The Exorcist’), Bree Hafen and Shafeek Westbrook

May 25, 2012 by  

If you’re a long time reader of GMMR or follow me on Twitter then you know my sincere and deep love for SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. Of course I think SYTYCD is the best reality show on TV, but for me, it’s one of my favorite shows, period. I (not so) anxiously wait for its return each summer. Last night my beloved show was back and showcased some incredible talent..

When the competition part of the show kicks into gear, Dan (@duckydoestv) and I will be back with our weekly TV Talk Podcast – SYTYCD Edition, but it’s too early to latch on to dancers that might not make it past Vegas. So for now, let’s look at a few of our favorite auditions from last night. If you have other faves, drop us a note in the comments and we might add yours to our list!

Hampton Williams (aka ‘The Exorcist’)
A polarizing audition to say the least, I think you either loved Hampton Williams or you just didn’t get him. Clearly the judges got him. Nigel’s jaw was on the floor, Mary was in full on crying hysterics and Lil C tried to throw imaginary sparkles at him. I don’t know if I want to see Hampton every week on the show, but I was absolutely mesmerized by the story he was able to tell though his dancing. Wow! If nothing else, his performance gave us the quote of the night (if not the season) from Lil C – “Don’t take this the wrong way but I want to kick you in your face right now.” Exactly.

Bree Hafen
Stay at home mom of two, Bree Hafen, had us all scratching our heads – how the hell does she find the time to keep her dancing up at this high of a level with two munchkins running around? She was impressive to say the least. But it was her kids that stole the show. If you haven’t seen it, I don’t want to spoil it for you, but when her son walked on to the stage and did what he did, I was a wreck. Oh legit tears and all. And her adorable little girl? She had some serious dance intuition for someone still in diapers. Expect to see her on the finale in some capacity at the end of the summer.

Shafeek Westbrook
Again…what people are able to do with their bodies is utterly fascinating to me. Shafeek Westbrook is a street dancer with movement so fluid that it’s nothing but beautiful. His choice of music was inspired. More please!

Daniel Burke
If this guy makes it past Vegas, I’m pretty sure he’s won the coveted role of my SYTYCD boyfriend for this season. I mean…oh and he can dance too!

Happy to have this dancing back in my life. So much to love this summer. Now if they could just do something about Tyce. Ugh.


9 Responses to “SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Premiere Audition Highlights – Daniel Baker, Hampton Williams (‘The Exorcist’), Bree Hafen and Shafeek Westbrook”

  1. Kat on May 25th, 2012 10:48 am

    Chehon Wespi-Tschopp! I mean, even his name is amazing! But right after he danced and before the jidges stopped talking, I had already rewound to watch again. And this morning I may or may not have found his audition on YouTube and may or may not have watched it 10 times in a row.

  2. Kat on May 25th, 2012 10:58 am

    Psst… It’s Baker, not Burke. Or maybe it’s Faraday.

  3. Kath Skerry on May 25th, 2012 11:28 am

    Damn…someone posted it online as Baker and I didn’t double check. Note to self…no blogging before coffee.

  4. Laiq on May 25th, 2012 11:47 am

    I was so excited for SYTYCD to return – last couple of years I’ve had the UK show to keep me busy before the US show starts, but sadly they cancelled the UK version, so I’ve been desperate for my dance fix!!

    I was blown away by Hampton Williams. I saw his audition on a twitter preview, and was crying by the end of it – and still cried when I saw it again. He was outstanding. I don’t think he will have a place in the final top 10/20 (whatever they are doing this year) but I think this is a great showcase for his talent, and he will go onto big things.

    I was also impressed with how they showed Sam (Sheffler?) The guy who was autistic. Sam was by no means the worst audition I have seen on the show. There were in fact a few moments where I could see some genuine raw talent in what he did, he of course was no where near the standard they are looking for on the show, but he ENJOYED dance, and for us “mere mortals” who love the show, but cannot dance I felt like he embodied me. I love to dance, I have no training, and no real talent for it but it gives me enjoyment when I do it. And Sam portrayed that on a stage, and was treated with respect for having the courage to get up on a stage and show that. I enjoyed that.

    And as the Von guy. He pissed off Cat before he even auditioned, and he had NO CHANCE from that moment. And he wasn’t anything special in terms of a b-boy. So that was interesting. Especially to see how much influence Cat clearly has on the show, because she didn’t like the personality and so the “gerbil” had no luck.

  5. Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect on May 26th, 2012 12:07 pm

    I introduced my 4yo to SYTYCD this week. She loved it. Of course. The funniest thing about letting her watch part of the show was her repeating, “Which guy don’t you like, Mommy? What’s his name? Tyce? Why don’t you like him? I don’t like him either.” 🙂

  6. kim on June 29th, 2012 11:41 am

    The dance routine by “Hampton Williams” (exorcist style) was absolutely amazing and unforgettable. Nigel was right, he is a genious. I have watched this over and over and cannot get enough of it. His message in this dance is cleansing. If you don’t feel something after seeing it a couple of times, then you have missed out on a blessing in disguise. I was so saddened by his withdrawal from the competition after getting to Vegas. He said he had never been formally trained in any other style of dance and didn’t feel that he could continue to compete with the others. What a damn shame. I hope that the judges pointed him in a positive direction to further his talent after his leaving the competition. I think he has a very unique talent and certainly one that “moves” people in a good way. I would love to hear what Hampton is planning to do at this point. I hope I haven’t seen the last of him. Maybe Nigel will bring him back for a special performance during the finale show. Maybe they could even use him to be a partner to a contestant that has to dance in a style that he can perform. Wow!!! I know this is not the end for Hampton Williams and I will never forget how his performance has impacted me. There’s a special place for Hampton’s talent and I hope that someone gives him the chance he so deserves.

  7. JB on July 1st, 2012 3:35 am

    Hey Kim, I could not agree more. That was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen a person do. When I first watched it I was surprised one of the judges was crying. However, the more I watch it I find myself getting tear-e-eyed. I DVR’d it and show anyone that comes over to my place and they are also amazed. Hopefully it is not the last we see of Hampton Williams with that talant

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