THE SECRET CIRCLE Cast Dishes On Working Together: Who Was Most Likely to Crack, Who Ad-Libbed the Most and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sunday, March 16, 2025

THE SECRET CIRCLE Cast Dishes On Working Together: Who Was Most Likely to Crack, Who Ad-Libbed the Most and More

June 12, 2012 by  

When I visited the Vancouver set of THE SECRET CIRCLE in early April, I thought it would be fun to grill the actors about working with each other —  after I finished talking with the stars about the series and what they were filming for the finale, of course.

The intention was to put up these five videos as a nice little fun post between seasons 1 and 2 to help make the hiatus a little less painful. Instead, The CW ended up canceling the series, so now this entire thing feels a whole lot more bittersweet than I intended it to be.

But since these guys did clearly enjoy working with each other — and shared some sweet stories — take a look at Thomas Dekker (Adam), Jessica Parker Kennedy (Melissa), Chris Zylka (Jake), and Shelley Hennig (Diana) dishing on who was most likely to ad-lib, who is most like their character, who was most likely to crack while filming and more…

Did any of their answers surprise you? And what will you miss most about THE SECRET CIRCLE?


THE SECRET CIRCLE: Joe Lando Talks Playing Blackwell
THE SECRET CIRCLE Season Finale: Thomas Dekker, Chris Zylka, Jessica Parker Kennedy, and Shelley Hennig Tease ‘Family’
THE SECRET CIRCLE: The Cast Dishes on Louis Hunter’s Return

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2 Responses to “THE SECRET CIRCLE Cast Dishes On Working Together: Who Was Most Likely to Crack, Who Ad-Libbed the Most and More”

  1. Abbey on June 12th, 2012 8:38 pm

    Love this cast. This really is bittersweet. So, so sad. 🙁

  2. Karen on June 13th, 2012 3:18 am

    Awww, this makes me miss the cast and the show so much more! Please someone, anyone, bring this show back to us!! We are crushed…