TAKE ME OUT Exclusive Clip: One Contestant Shows Off His 'Flexibility' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

TAKE ME OUT Exclusive Clip: One Contestant Shows Off His ‘Flexibility’

June 28, 2012 by  

When you’re on a reality show and trying to convince 30 women to give you a chance, sometimes you have to pull out the big guns. Unfortunately for this TAKE ME OUT contestant, I’m not sure if his “special trick” should really be enough to convince this group to leave their lights on for him.

Take a look and decide if you’d be impressed with what he has to offer…

(And I feel for that poor contestant whose buzzer malfunctioned. I’d be hiding, too.)

What do you think? Was his, um, talent, enough to keep you interested?


TAKE ME OUT: George Lopez Talks About Hosting Fox’s New Dating Series

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