FRINGE: Jasika Nicole Reflects on 'Making Angels' and Saying Goodbye to the Alt-Universe, Plus the Final Comic-Con Panel, and Looking to Season 5 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FRINGE: Jasika Nicole Reflects on ‘Making Angels’ and Saying Goodbye to the Alt-Universe, Plus the Final Comic-Con Panel, and Looking to Season 5

July 20, 2012 by  

For many people, the final FRINGE panel at Comic-Con was highly emotional, but for series star Jasika Nicole (Astrid), just how deep those feelings ran came as a bit of a surprise.

While she admitted she expected to be the emotional catalyst for the panelists — after she teared up on the panel, her costars Anna Torv (Olivia) and Lance Reddick (Broyles) soon followed — Nicole explained that she didn’t think about how hard it could get until people started telling her how they were feeling the day before the panel. According to Nicole, she realized, “‘Oh, crap, I am [feeling it], too. I’m just in denial because I don’t want to think about it yet.’ This is really a sad thing to end a chapter of your life in public like this.”

And the emotions didn’t stop at the panel.

Nicole got visibly moved while talking with reporters about the “White Tulips” display the fans organized, the resolution she wants for Astrid, saying goodbye to Seth Gabel’s Lincoln, plus what she hopes to have happen for Astrid in season 5.

Take a look at the following videos for her thoughts on those things and more…



(And yes, we did get the OK to post the second video.)

Anyone feeling a bit misty-eyed, too?

FRINGE returns for its final season Friday, September 28th at 9 PM on Fox.


FRINGE: Anna Torv on Olivia’s Reunion with Etta, Focusing on Just One Olivia, and More
FRINGE: J.H. Wyman on the Show’s Emotional Final Panel, If That New Footage is From Season 5, and Jeff Pinkner’s Departure
FRINGE Comic-Con 2012 Season 5 Trailer – With New Footage!

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe

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