RAISING HOPE: Wilmer Valderrama Books Multi-Episode Arc - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 13, 2025

RAISING HOPE: Wilmer Valderrama Books Multi-Episode Arc

August 6, 2012 by  

Sabrina’s home life is about to get massively interesting on RAISING HOPE.

First, Melanie Griffith signed on to play Sabrina’s mother, Tamara, and then Tippi Hedren (Griffith’s real-life mother) sealed a deal to play Sabrina’s grandmother, Nana. But if that wasn’t crazy enough, Fox has confirmed that former AWAKE star Wilmer Valderrama has booked a multi-episode arc on the Fox comedy as Griffith’s love interest. (EW.com was first to report the casting news.)

There’s no way Sabrina is going to handle this well, right?

RAISING HOPE returns Tuesday, October 2nd at 8 PM on Fox.

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