BONES: Tamara Taylor Teases Getting to Be the ‘Lynchpin,’ Plus What She Wants in Cam’s New Boyfriend
September 14, 2012 by Marisa Roffman
Things were a little bit rocky for BONES’ Cam when the season ended (a refresher: she alienated some of her coworkers by following the rules and not doing sketchy things to clear Brennan’s name…something that ended up working in their favor, as the team was allowed to continue working on the case), and when the show picks back up, series star Tamara Taylor (Cam) teases her character has become the lynchpin. (Cam is pretty fabulous in the premiere, guys.)
I sat down with Taylor to talk about what Cam will be up to in the season 8 premiere, plus she teases a teeny tiny bit about the love interest that’s coming for her character later in the season.
BONES returns Monday, September 17th at 8 PM on Fox.
BONES: ‘The Partners in the Divorce’ Photo Preview
BONES Season 8 Premiere: ‘The Future in the Past’ Video Preview
BONES: Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan Preview Season 8 (And Beyond?)
BONES Season 8 Premiere: ‘The Future in the Past’ You Ask, I Answer
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Filed under #1 featured, Bones
Omg!!!! I can’t wait for bones!!!!! And I can’t believe Temperance is blonde!!!! Can’t wait for Monday
@Mandy!It is only a Wig :-D!!!
Cannot wait till Monday!B&B 4 ever!!
Can’t wait till monday i am soo exited to see the new bones.
I have NEVER ever been so excited for the weekend to be over so Monday will come!!!!
There is so much to look forward to with the new season of Bones. I’m glad Brennan as a blonde was just a wig, she looks better as a brunette. I think the fact Pelant will be a reoccurring character on the show is more interesting. My coworker at Dish and I were trying to figure out who was a better Bones villain: Grave Digger or Pelant? I like Pelant more. I’m working nights at Dish this season so I will miss the airing of the new season. I’m set though with my new Hopper DVR. It will automatically record all the shows the four major networks air in prime time. I don’t have to worry about setting a reminder of each of my favorite shows, it records them all. I’m looking forward to the 150th point-of-view episode.
Monday’s premiere show did not disappoint!!! It was great!!
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