FRINGE Season 5 Premiere: 'Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11' You Ask, I Answer - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FRINGE Season 5 Premiere: ‘Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11’ You Ask, I Answer

September 21, 2012 by  

The upcoming end of FRINGE is getting a little more real.

Sure, we’ve known for months the series is concluding (heck, we’ve had the final Comic-Con and TCA panels, the cast has been emotional about it, etc.), but when it came time for me to start watching the show’s fifth season premiere — the last season premiere the series will ever have — I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me a little emotional.

But you guys want to know what’s happening on the show, right? I took some of your questions from Twitter and am going to do my best to answer them. That means plenty of teasing, but the intention is not to ruin your enjoyment of the hour, so I couldn’t answer some of the very specific/spoilery questions you had. But hopefully you’ll still enjoy these teases…

[H]ave you seen the #Fringe S5 premiere? General impressions. Thumbs up/down? – @OldDarth (via Twitter)
a) I have! b) I have no idea how in the heck they’re going to wrap this up in 12 more episodes. I could see an entire other series set in 2036 (and all the years we missed in between), so I’m curious to see how these final hours play out. c) Thumbs up! One of my favorite premieres the show has done.

[H]ow dusty will our houses be on Friday? – @Pizzawitjo (via Twitter)
Ah, “dust.” That strange phenomenon may hit you a couple times during the premiere. (I think it first hit me when I heard the theme song. But that was far from the only time I experienced a bit of “dust” during the hour.) And, to be safe, you may want to stock up on milkshakes and Red Vines.

[W]hat can you tease about the Peter/Olivia reunion? We already know its not what we expected, but anything else? – @polivias (via Twitter)
If you were wondering what went down between the disgustingly adorable/in love couple between this lovely park day and getting ambered separately, good news: you’ll find out exactly why they weren’t together. The bad news? Showrunner J.H. Wyman wasn’t kidding around when he described the duo’s reunion as a fractured fairytale. Their scenes in the episode (and the still-raw emotions they express during them) may break your heart a little bit. (I mentioned you may need junk food to handle the episode, right?) But they’re Peter and Olivia, so they have to pull through this. (Power of positive thinking, guys.)

..please marisa tell me that walter will be fine..  – @helen_norwood (via Twitter)
Fun fact: I had managed to erase that very traumatic footage of Walter Bishop being tortured out of my brain until a few minutes before it started on screen. Walter is…alive. But fine? That’s still TBD.

I will say watching this episode of the eve of Emmy weekend was extra bittersweet; John Noble (Walter) once again proved why he’s one of the best actors on television and he’s yet to be truly recognized for it. A real shame.

[W]ill we get to see any Olivia/Etta interaction in their present (or really 2036)? – @agentdunhams (via Twitter)
Indeed. (“Dusty” moment alert!)

Will altverse be mentioned? I’m longing to learn if it was invaded by Observers too, if it’s still OK, without the bridge. – @AntonEgorovRd (via Twitter)
Sadly, no mention of Over There. So let’s just hope Lincoln, Fauxlivia and their little kids (because they totally are off being happy together now) are all as safe as they can be.

#Fringe question: Even though it’s so different, does it feel like the same show? – @katelinnea (via Twitter)
I was very vocal at parts of FRINGE’s fourth season of feeling like this wasn’t “my” show. With the new timeline, it often was hard to watch since we had familiar actors playing mostly familiar characters…and at times it didn’t gel the way I wanted it to/hoped it would.

I honestly didn’t feel any of that in the season premiere. We’re obviously missing chunks from all of their lives, but this felt like our Fringe team (minus a few players who were MIA in the premiere) was together, and as cohesive as a unit as they could be. A lot of the non-core characters are new, but it didn’t feel bothersome. It actually feels in many ways like a new show, but that’s not a bad thing, thankfully.

One week to go, guys. Are you excited for FRINGE’s final season premiere?

FRINGE returns on September 28th at 9 PM on Fox.


FRINGE’s Lance Reddick: Broyles is Trying to Make the Best Out of a Terrible Situation
FRINGE Season 5 Premiere: ‘Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11′ Photo Preview
FRINGE Exclusive First Look: The Future Isn’t Looking So Bright For Peter in ‘Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11′

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Filed under #1 featured, Fringe


8 Responses to “FRINGE Season 5 Premiere: ‘Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11’ You Ask, I Answer”

  1. Lou aka OldDarth on September 21st, 2012 5:21 pm

    Thanks Marisa!

    7 sleeps to go…

  2. newton on September 21st, 2012 5:21 pm

    POlivia. I die. Man, I love angst. Total sucker for it.

  3. newton on September 21st, 2012 5:22 pm

    Question for Marisa- Does Olivia believe that Etta is her daughter or is that not even an issue?

  4. Bedtimeqw on September 21st, 2012 8:00 pm

    Oh wonderful, peter and Olivia wont get along so that CLEARLY means that Olivia is mad at Peter and Peter is the bad guy and he will get all the hate YET AGAIN!

  5. AngelMoon Girl on September 21st, 2012 9:01 pm

    SO EXCITED! I’m most eager for Peter/Olivia/Etta interaction and of course Walter thrown into the mix 😉 Missing this show SO much yet it will be a bittersweet end, for sure.
    Question – any chance of seeing a baby Etta in the premiere?

  6. helen_norwood on September 22nd, 2012 4:44 pm

    thanx for your answer Marisa and i totally agree with you, John deserve some recognition about his amazing work!!

  7. Joey on September 23rd, 2012 9:19 am

    I can’t wait for the new season; I wish it were not the last. It seems like good sci-fi never survives on network TV, not since X-Files at least. I work a crazy schedule at DISH so I will miss the premiere, but I’m covered this season. My Hopper DVR with PrimeTime Anytime is ready to record. It will automatically catch all the shows in prime time from the four major networks without me having to set individual alarms. I am really curious to see how Olivia gets out of amber, and I want to know how we defeat the Observers.

  8. Zepp on September 23rd, 2012 12:16 pm

    Oh Marisa, thank you for the opportunities that the GMMR, is giving us the fans of Fringe, just like me, to express and discuss their views openly, once again, thank you! But I ask you, if you have any possibility of Fringe continue, somehow, on another network? I ask you this, because of the rich script that Fringe has, and still, I think, has not yet been properly explored, such as shapeshifters, ZFT, universes in conflict, copies of people interacting with each other, … What do you think of Fringe go to another network, Marisa? Would any possibility of that happening?