CASTLE's Andrew Marlowe: 'The Chapter of Not Knowing is Now Closed' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CASTLE’s Andrew Marlowe: ‘The Chapter of Not Knowing is Now Closed’

September 25, 2012 by  

[Warning: This post contains spoilers for the season 5 premiere of CASTLE. If you haven’t seen “After the Storm,” go watch it now and then come back to see what Andrew Marlowe has to say about it.]

It’s taken five seasons, but Beckett has finally gotten some resolution to her mother’s murder. Throughout the years, she’s found bits and pieces of information, which all led up to her confrontation (and eventual badass behavior) with Senator Bracken (played disturbingly well by Jack Coleman). But, unfortunately, her hands were tied and she had to let him go in exchange for her continued protection.

So where does Beckett go from here?

“It’s wait and see,” CASTLE creator Andrew Marlowe told me. “We felt like it was our obligation to close some chapters at the end of last season and the beginning of this season, and the chapter of not knowing is now closed. But we also want to present a little more of a mature Beckett. A little more of the Beckett who is in control when she meets him. And I think in any situation like this, it’s really easy to have your vengeance and arrest the guy. It’s a lot more complicated when you know what you know, but there’s nothing you can do about it and the storytelling goes on and you have to make a kind of peace. So it puts her in an interesting situation. But it does allow us to put the genie back in the bottle a little until it rears its ugly head.”

And yes, Coleman will be returning to the show again.

“We’ll see him again,” Marlowe teased. “His story is not over yet. But for us, the headline is the conspiracy aspect is certainly over. All this digging and not knowing and unanswered questions, all of that has been laid to rest, but the final chapter has yet to be written…She has to take him on in the right way.”

But Marlowe did concede that the Montgomery connection will be given a break.

“I think [it’s done] for now,” he said. “I don’t think there’s any reason to look back. Montgomery was a great cop, and he was a great leader in his time. And I think he and his family have suffered enough from the mistakes in his past that we don’t need to drudge that up again.”

Are you happy with the resolution Beckett got to her mother’s case? And on a scale from 1-10, just how badass did you find her in the premiere?

(Psst — Make sure to come back next week for more from my chat with Marlowe.)


CASTLE: Andrew Marlowe Teases ‘After the Storm’
CASTLE’s Stana Katic on Beckett’s New Relationship: ‘Her Heart is at Stake With This Guy’
CASTLE: ‘Secret’s Safe with Me’ Photo Preview

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Filed under #1 featured, Castle


6 Responses to “CASTLE’s Andrew Marlowe: ‘The Chapter of Not Knowing is Now Closed’”

  1. Kate on September 25th, 2012 2:17 am

    I LOVED the episode even more than I thought I would. It was the perfect combination of everything I love about Castle, plus the new romantic relationship! Watching Badass Kate basically take back her life was among the best scenes of the entire show and earned a 10 in my book. Stana Katic can seriously act! I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen this season- bring it on!

  2. Caitlin on September 25th, 2012 2:42 am

    Loved it! It was the perfect Castle episode- Great Banter, serious moments, a good case, and seeing how C/B deal with their new relationship! I think it definately ensured viewers that Castle won’t succumb to the “Moonlighting curse”. Both Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion delivered Emmy- worthy performances, just great to watch, Really excited for Season 5- I think its going to be the best season yet!

  3. graybeard on September 25th, 2012 11:48 am

    Agree with Kate and Caitlin’s remarks. It’s going to be interesting how Castle’s Mother and daughter Alexis find out about the C/B new relationship – – – especially how Alexis might see Beckett as a competitor for her Father’s love and affection.

  4. Marie on September 25th, 2012 12:57 pm

    I loved everything about this episode. The scene between Beckett and Senator Bracken was intense. I don’t think I blinked for fear that I would miss something. It had me at the edge of my seat. I couldn’t read Beckett’s reaction, and at one point I really thought she was believing everything Bracken was saying, especially when she lowered her weapon. I was shouting at the tv, “Beckett he’s lying1″ I’ve never been so committed to a show before. And, when I saw badass Beckett surface, I just couldn’t contain my excitement. WOW! what suspense. This scene, IMO, was one of the most powerful scenes I’ve seen for quite a long time. Beckett’s acting was superb. She needs to be given an ‘EMMY” It’s just not fair!

  5. E on September 26th, 2012 1:06 am

    Great, great episode. AM touched on everything. Great acting all round

  6. Sam on September 27th, 2012 4:42 pm

    I’ll admit that I wasn’t immediately thrilled when the villain of the show turned out to be a politician, but I think they can make it work.