RAISING HOPE: Lucas Neff Talks Season 3 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 28, 2025

RAISING HOPE: Lucas Neff Talks Season 3

October 1, 2012 by  

In case you needed a reminder about what show RAISING HOPE’s Lucas Neff is on, when he sat down to do our interview about the upcoming season, he was decked out so fully in RH swag it even impressed me. The man is willing to go to extreme lengths to promote his show, and I appreciate that.

Take a look at the video below to see Neff’s fancy duds, plus he talks about all the guest stars in the show’s upcoming season and how that impacts the series…


RAISING HOPE returns Tuesday, October 2nd at 8 PM on Fox.


RAISING HOPE: Martha Plimpton and Garret Dillahunt Talk Guest Stars and Season 3
RAISING HOPE Season Premiere: ‘Not Indecent, But Not Quite Decent Enough Proposal’ Photo Preview, Including Guest Stars Melanie Griffith and Tippi Hedren

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Filed under #1 featured, Raising Hope

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