Enter to Win a CW Thursday Night Swag Pack, Featuring THE VAMPIRE DIARIES and BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Goodies!
October 11, 2012 by Marisa Roffman
The CW’s new Thursday night kicks off tonight, and in case we haven’t given you enough reasons to be excited about the season premiere of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES and the series premiere of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, how do you feel about winning some free stuff?
Thanks to our fabulous friends at The CW, Give Me My Remote has six prize packs to give away to our readers. Included in each pack is: a signed BEAUTY AND THE BEAST poster; BEAUTY AND THE BEAST “Tame Your Claws” manicure sets, including mood changing nail polish; THE VAMPIRE DIARIES tumbler; a THE VAMPIRE DIARIES book; and a THE VAMPIRE DIARIES cast shot.
Entering to win is simple — just leave a comment here telling us how you’re planning to celebrate the premieres tonight. Are you watching with friends? Throwing a party? Ordering in food? Simply curling up on the couch to focus all your attention on the shows?
Let us know by Friday, October 12th at 5 PM PT for your chance to win one of the prizes!
Sorry, this contest is only open to residents of the United States.
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Filed under #1 featured, Beauty and the Beast, The CW, The Vampire Diaries
I am planning on watching the premiere tonight with my college roommate. We will be celebrating by watching the third season’s finale beforehand and staring at our Damon Salvatore stand-up.
I’m turning my phone off, putting on my wireless noise-canceling headphones, and curling up on the couch for uninterrupted Vampire Diaries time (while I make my boyfriend cook dinner). No distractions!
I’m curling up on the couch, putting the volume loud, the lights off, and giving all of my undivided attention to my favorite show!!!!! Team Damon!
I have to work late, so my bff and hubby are recording both for us. We’ll watch it and have a lil party when I get home! <3 Aren't they sweet? :oD
P.S. Thank you all for the opportunity!
I am going to celebrate tonight’s premiere by finishing rewatching season three, then curl up in my bed to watch the premieres.
I’m going to abandon interrupt my plans to study for French so that I can watch TVD… then I will return to being a nerdy college student.
I am planning on going to my sister’s house to watch and drink some lovely red wine!
I’ll be waiting patiently for it to download to my iTunes (my cable doesn’t get the CW), but then I will probably re-watch it a dozen times before next week’s episode 2!!
I’m having a vampire diaries marathon with my cousin and snuggling in bed until the premiere begins, then we’re going to crank up the volume so we don’t miss a thing!
I am wearing my Team Damon t shirt. My Dad and I are watching Season 3 as im writing this he asked for this day off to celebrate and tonight before the premiere we are ordering pizza from pizza hut and buying starbucks. We always buy pizza every Thursdays only when There are new episodes of The Vampire Diaries. We are excited. Every time we see the tvd preview we yell “whooo hoo” and we are also excited to see Kristen Kruek in Beauty and the Beast. we were big well still are big fans of Smallville its going to be interesting to see her acting again on screen. #CW #TVDS4 #BEAUTANDTHEBEAST #TEAMDAMON
I am bribing my children with their favorite snack and a movie to that mommy can watch her vampire show without being interrupted!! I will be tweeting during the entire thing too!!
I am forgoing the car crash that will be the VP debates by tuning in to TVD and ordering Chinese food, keeping my phone nearby at all times for twitter updates during commericals.
I’m going to be curled up on the sofa to watch. Also planning on having popcorn, candy corn and Mountain Dew for snacks!
I’m throwing a party with all my friends
We are going to eat lots of food, scream when TVD comes back on our screens tonight, and ogle the sexiness that is the TVD cast 
I am going to curled up on my sofa and watch the premiere.
I’m gunna watch it bye myself order pizza and pop some popcorn and smuggle up on my couch oh yea can’t wait
I’m planning on watching a few episodes from The Vampire Diaires season 3 before I sit down and watch these shows tonight. Can’t wait!
I am going to mandatory dance class and then praying for cwtv.com to post the episode tomorrow night. Them I’ll sit down with twitter in hand and laug, cry, and freak out about Vampire Diaries
I will be watching the premiere with my friend who is coming in from out of town for my birthday. We have cupcakes and wine at the ready!
I am planning on ordering dinner, making popcorn, curling up on the sofa under a blanket with my daughter and watch. I can’t wait for tonight!
My mom and I are getting real (not weight watchers) ice cream, curling up on the couch and watching the show intently, talking is only allowed during commercials!!
Can’t wait for tonight’s new episode of TVD!! Me and my sister have been counting it down. It’s the only thing that got me through work today. May to October is way too long to be without new episodes. TVD should be on all year long. Can’t wait to watch Beauty and the Beast!! Hope to add it to my weekly tv schedule.
Just sitting on my couch and no talking allowed while i’m. Watching tvd.
Ordering chinese and watching tvd with the hubby:)
Me and my sister intend to conference call our cousin and her friend we’re watching it together over the distance between us! Just so EXCITED! We’re also getting some sushi and doing a “girls night”, doing our nails and face masks. So its going to be AMAZING and fun! I’m sure there will be high amounts of fangirling and hopefully my neighbors won’t get too pissed. (>.<).
I’m having a pizza party with my girlfriends and we’re gonna be doing mani/pedis and squealing over the Salvatore boys!!!
So ready for tonite. Me n my son have been counting down the days for this. I have read all the books and so ready to see how the sitcom ends. So im Have a date nite with my son. Ordering pizza and turning all phones off n dvr on so after we watch it live we can watch it again.
My friends and I will be gathered around my HD TV (all the better to view the Salvatore brothers with, of course).
I am planning to watch “Beauty and the Beast with my family “starting from my grandfather, who loves Kristin Kreuk .. my mom, father, siblings ) we’re all gonna watch it together in our living room!! Going to be fun!! So excited!
Just me, PJs, and icecream! And my phone so I can text my best friend while we watch.
I’m happy the wait is over! My sisters and I will be watching both the vampire diaries season 4 premiere and beauty and the beast premiere comfortably in our bedroom, while eating some ice cream and cupcakes!
I will watch TVD live and process with my online friends at my favorite forum, swoon as necessary, and follow it up with watching the DVRed version before I fall asleep. Which usually results in vampire-y dreams, but it is a small price to pay.
I’ll be watching the third season on DVD until it comes on at 8PM, and I’ll curl up on the couch with my mom to watch the premiere. This show has given us something to look forward to. After the show we will rematch the recorded premiere!
Thank goodness it’s finally 10-11-12! I’ll def be curling up on the couch to watch the season 4 premiere of my favorite show, TVD, and the series premiere of BATB!
I am going the watch the new episode of The Vampire Diaries tonight with my mother. I am really looking forward to it.
I am so excited to watch tonights premieres of TVD & BATB! I will be in bed, with more four pets, a cup of hot chocolate and a box of tissues – you never know with these CW Shows!
Can’t wait to see what happens!
i will be watching curled up in bed watching and tweeting during the commercial breaks with my friends.
I’ll be watching with my nieces and probably tweeting reactions!
I’m sitting on my bed curled up with a blanket and some hot chocolate watching it with my best friend with an endless suppy of candy and popcorn:)
I’m celebrating the return of The Vampire Diaries by tweeting with friends. So glad it’s back! Team Delena!
I’m putting away my study manuals for once and just letting myself relax and watch! Guilt-free, because good TV is worth it.
I told everyone that I planned to watch TVD uninterrupted. I curled up on the couch and turned up the sound and turned down the lights.
I plan to watch The Vampire Diaries the same way I watch every episode…by alternating between rocking back and forth, my hands over my eyes, jumping up and down, flailing, and will most likely end the night in the fetal position.
I spent it watching soup, chatting with friends, and blogging about it!
I am watching the last 6 episodes of season 3, and then, i plan to get my box of tissues and watch vampire diaries season 4 episode 1, and then finish off with beauty and the beast
I curled up alone in bed to watch TVD and BatB premiers. Wasn’t very glamorous but I enjoyed both nonetheless !!!
I watched the TVD premiere on the couch with a nice glass of pomegranate margarita. The reddish color seemed perfect for a night with vampires
Hey! Well, I don’t have cable…but I searched the interwebs and found the CW app so I got it and saw the episode through that!! I was so excited!
I invited my two best buds, Ben & Jerry, to watch with me, curled up in bed. It was awesome!
I’ll be curled up in my counting down the season premieres for VPD and Beauty and the BEast!
skype date with the sis to keep the tradition of watching the premiere together.
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Co-authors are Xiuli Bi of UIC, Wenfeng Fang of UIC and Wuhan University in China, and Li-Shu Wang and Gary Stoner of the
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