RAISING HOPE Boss Greg Garcia: A Wedding for Jimmy and Sabrina is 'Definitely on the Horizon' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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RAISING HOPE Boss Greg Garcia: A Wedding for Jimmy and Sabrina is ‘Definitely on the Horizon’

October 19, 2012 by  

With Jimmy and Sabrina’s relationship showing no sign of slowing down on RAISING HOPE, the looming question is now when they’re going to tie the knot.

“We’ve been talking about a wedding and when to do it.,” RAISING HOPE creator Greg Garcia told me. “But it’s definitely on the horizon.”

“There’s a lot of pressure on a wedding episode, you know?” he added. “We do have an idea for a wedding episode we’re working on now that could be a lot of fun, both in the stuff that happens in the wedding and the style in which we shoot it. We have a bit of a gimmick we might do that makes me laugh, so look out for that.”

And since Valentine’s Day last season was when the duo first got together, I couldn’t resist asking if the show had any special plans for this year. (Especially since Garcia is notorious for being able to tease developments months ahead of airing.)

“They did get together on Valentine’s Day,” Garcia allowed. “I think our 14th episode airs around Valentine’s Day. I mean, it’s possible we could have a wedding on Valentine’s Day if we could figure out the story soon enough. It seems right, right? If you’re going to get married, you could save it for the end of the season, or you could do it in the middle and do it on Valentine’s Day. And since we didn’t wait until the end of the season to get them together [last year], maybe we’ll stick to the formula. I’m not sure.”

Either way, whenever the couple does tie the knot, the plan remains that they’ll move into Sabrina’s (recently deceased) grandmother’s home.

“The idea is once they get married, they can move into her grandmother’s house,” Garcia said. “That’s kind of the track we’re on right now. And we’d have to see how them moving away affects the rest of the people on the show. That’s kind of the plan.”

Make sure to check back next week for more from my chat with Garcia!

RAISING HOPE airs Tuesdays at 8 PM on Fox.


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Filed under #1 featured, Raising Hope

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