ABC Cancels 666 PARK AVENUE, LAST RESORT - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Monday, March 17, 2025


November 16, 2012 by  

Earlier today, Deadline sent out a (now-dead) link saying that ABC had canceled both 666 PARK AVENUE and LAST RESORT. While word is still out on LAST RESORT, sources confirm that 666 PARK AVENUE has indeed been canceled.

Personally, I’m bummed. I found 666 PARK AVENUE to be fun. And as soon as I hear anything more on LAST RESORT, I’ll let you know.

Update, 3:26 PM PT: Sources confirm LAST RESORT is also gone. The good news? As of now, the plan is to have both ABC shows air their 13-episode seasons play out on air.

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One Response to “ABC Cancels 666 PARK AVENUE, LAST RESORT”

  1. BC on November 16th, 2012 9:10 pm

    After the Finder got cancelled I was really rooting for Mercedes Masohn so it’s a bummer about 666 Park Avenue.