Seth Gabel Praises His Upcoming ARROW Role as 'The Most Fun I've Ever Had' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Seth Gabel Praises His Upcoming ARROW Role as ‘The Most Fun I’ve Ever Had’

December 5, 2012 by  

ARROW has had no shortage of amazing guest stars in its first season, but the upcoming guest star that has me most excited is former FRINGE star Seth Gabel, who will be playing The Count. (The character is modeled on the ARROW villain Count Vertigo.)

As luck would have it, I caught up with Gabel over the weekend at an event celebrating FRINGE’s 100th episode/series finale, and he praised his time on ARROW as “the most fun I’ve ever had.”

Take a look at what he had to tease about finally playing a villain, crafting this character, and more…


Gabel will first appear on ARROW in early 2013.

ARROW airs Wednesdays at 8 PM on The CW.


ARROW: Stephen Amell on the Show Casting Manu Bennett as Deathstroke
ARROW: Jessica De Gouw on Her Debut as The Huntress
ARROW: Stephen Amell on the Scene in Tonight’s Episode That Made Him Gasp, Plus Meeting The Huntress

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* Travel and accommodations provided by Warner Bros.

Filed under #1 featured, Arrow


One Response to “Seth Gabel Praises His Upcoming ARROW Role as ‘The Most Fun I’ve Ever Had’”

  1. Ang on December 5th, 2012 2:31 pm

    Seth Gabel is a gentleman.