HOMELAND: Is Anyone Else Terrified of Sunday's Season Finale? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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HOMELAND: Is Anyone Else Terrified of Sunday’s Season Finale?

December 14, 2012 by  

TV confession: I’m terrified to watch the HOMELAND season finale.

Last year, I vividly remember sitting on my couch to watch the first year’s closer, transfixed by the screen, in a ridiculous mix of being petrified of what was going to go down — Damian Lewis’ harrowing performance as Brody prepared to sacrifice himself to get his revenge didn’t make things any less calm — and unable to turn away.

I found myself in a similar position while watching this season’s penultimate episode: after (spoiler alert, I suppose) Abu Nazir was killed, I felt my heart literally pounding in my chest. HOMELAND has never been a show shy about giving us massive show-changing twists in a non-finale episode (heck, half of this season could qualify for that), but where the heck does the show go from here? I spent the remaining moments so aware of how uncomfortable I was — torn between wanting to pause the episode to take a break from the stress, and also wanting to power through it just so I’d be put out of my misery and see what happened.

As it turned out, my stress was for nothing.

Brody (or Jess) weren’t shot while they discussed their crumbling marriage while sitting in the family’s car; Brody didn’t shoot himself (which I was extremely concerned about for a good couple of minutes); Quinn didn’t complete his orders to take out Brody as he watched B reunite with Carrie. For as bad as things were (poor Saul), it was bearable. Heck, Brody and Carrie were even…happy?

Which clearly means this won’t last long. I don’t think for one second think the final hour of HOMELAND’s sophomore season will leave these characters content and happy. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was at least one major death. Heck, I think there could be arguments made for every single character to die (except maybe Chris, because, really, if you’re going to kill one of Brody’s kids, odds are you’d choose Dana since she’s actually a formed character) and there could be legitimate reasons why any/all of these characters shouldn’t. I expect tears and a whole lot of tragedy.

Aside from that? I have no clue what’s coming up. The writers could choose to explode the landmine that Estes never really intended to cut a deal with Brody, and goodness knows what kind of trouble that could stir up. But the having absolutely no idea of what to expect is nerve-wracking…and I’m anticipating once again finding myself in the position of having a physical reaction to a television show while simultaneously convincing myself I can actually finish this episode. (My job is clearly difficult.) And then there will be the likely nine month wait to find out what’s next on this crazy stressful/brilliant series. So, yes, I’m having a little bit of anxiety about what the heck is coming out way in HOMELAND’s finale.

The thing is, based on what I see on Twitter, so many of you are having these kinds of reactions to HOMELAND, too. So if you are, how are you prepping for Sunday’s season finale? And if HOMELAND doesn’t prompt this kind of reaction from you, what show does?

HOMELAND’s second season finale airs Sunday at 10 PM on Showtime.

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Filed under #1 featured, Homeland

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