Parenthood | 10pm on NBC - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Parenthood | 10pm on NBC

January 22, 2013 by  

Season Finale | As Jasmine and Crosby plan their anniversary, they receive exciting news; Amber and Ryan consider the future of their relationship; Sarah has to make a choice.

Filed under (2) TV Spotlight


One Response to “Parenthood | 10pm on NBC”

  1. chitown_mimi on November 30th, 2011 12:16 pm

    Why oh Why is the tv gods so cruel? Two Broke Girls is booming in the ratings and this amazing show barely gets any viewers. This was such a great episode. I always, always leave this show thinking, “Man, this show is so great.” It’s not melodramatic or soapy; it is just touch and sincere.