ONCE UPON A TIME: Michael Socha Cast in Spinoff Presentation - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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ONCE UPON A TIME: Michael Socha Cast in Spinoff Presentation

March 28, 2013 by  

The potential ONCE UPON A TIME quasi-spinoff is starting to take shape: a representative for ABC confirms that Michael Socha has been cast as one of the leads in the upcoming pilot presentation for an Alice in Wonderland-centric spinoff.

According to Deadline (who was first to report the casting), Socha will play The Knave of Hearts, “a sardonic adventurer, a man of action, a loner and a heart-breaker” in the four-scene presentation ONCE UPON A TIME co-creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis are working on with Jane Espenson and Zack Estrin.

There’s no definitive timetable for when we might see this potential spinoff, but if ABC likes what they see, Horowitz and Kitsis insisted earlier this month that they wouldn’t be recasting Sebastian Stan as the Mad Hatter, and the intention was for this to be a one-off, limited series type of thing.

Are you hoping we get to explore more of the Wonderland world in a potential spinoff?

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